Title: At Gunpoint 4/10 Pairing: Jonghyun/Key Genre: AU Rating: PG-13 for this chapter Summary: One week of confusion and pointless almost-flirting later, Kibum feels fed up. ( click. )
I was beginning to lose hope over whether there would be a sequel... But you are amazing and I'm literally hanging on bated breath until the sequel!!! Please make it soon!!! Xoxox
I'm not going to let this unfinished, if that's what you're talking about. Most of the rest has already been written, and the chapters are posted weekly. Every Friday night, in particular :3
So, you'll have to wait a week lol ♥ Thank you for reading!
*O* I just love these encounters. ♥ Arrogant Jjong is so full of win~ I like this type of Jonghyun :D Also, I'd like to point out that Jonghyun sounded especially hot when he was explaining his job as an assassin :Q___ Jjong's such a badass. XD ♥
*sits in the floor & stares at clock for the next update* ♥.
Comments 32
Jonghyun's still obnoxious and key's still... key.
Thanks for reading ♥
So, you'll have to wait a week lol ♥
Thank you for reading!
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Next chapter is coming :3
Thanks for reading!
Arrogant Jjong is so full of win~ I like this type of Jonghyun :D
Also, I'd like to point out that Jonghyun sounded especially hot when he was explaining his job as an assassin :Q___ Jjong's such a badass. XD ♥
*sits in the floor & stares at clock for the next update* ♥.
Haha I want to post just as much, but I'm trying to stick to the schedule, heh.
Thank you for reading ♥
Can't wait for moree~
Thanks for reading!
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