Title: At Gunpoint 4/10 Pairing: Jonghyun/Key Genre: AU Rating: PG-13 for this chapter Summary: One week of confusion and pointless almost-flirting later, Kibum feels fed up. ( click. )
wait wait wait wait yongjin=jonghyun? confused. and if that's a yes, i just read the whole thing imagining this assassin as just some short ajusshi. fail.
Yeah, Jonghyun introduces himself as Song Yongjin twice in the third chapter. It's his current fake identity, so it seems only normal, when focused on Kibum, that Jonghyun is referred to as Yongjin. Sorry for the mixup, didn't consider it that confusing D:
Aw don't be embarrassed. Tis my own mind going a little beserk because it's currently 3AM. Yays :D
Wow, sorry, I missed that. Or I forgot. I'm one of those people that can't read more than one book at a time because I mix them all up. JongKey is especially confusing because of course, they're all the same characters. haha
Comments 32
yongjin=jonghyun? confused.
and if that's a yes, i just read the whole thing imagining this assassin as just some short ajusshi. fail.
Yeah, Jonghyun introduces himself as Song Yongjin twice in the third chapter. It's his current fake identity, so it seems only normal, when focused on Kibum, that Jonghyun is referred to as Yongjin. Sorry for the mixup, didn't consider it that confusing D:
Wow, sorry, I missed that. Or I forgot. I'm one of those people that can't read more than one book at a time because I mix them all up. JongKey is especially confusing because of course, they're all the same characters. haha
So it's not your fault :)
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