Title: At Gunpoint 6/10 Pairing: Jonghyun/Key Genre: AU Rating: PG-13 for this chapter Summary: Kibum doesn't like his life. Practically no part of it. ( click. )
I loved this chapter! <3 I really liked the scene with the uncle and I adore how the chapter ended (I sense JongKey y/y?)~! :3 Dieing for the next one~♥
It would be cool if Key became an assassin. 'Cause we all know Key with a gun is hawt stuff.
( ... )
Hey, why did you stop there for?! It was getting good and this chapter is probably the shortest but I'll take it if you update faster, deal? ;) Just kidding. I'm not pressuring you, but the next chapter better be good. Not some argument, I mean some hot and heavy friction going on. XD
I'm also glad there is some insight on how Key is feeling after the incident. It gives more character to Key since we seen Jonghyun's point of view more. Though, it does switches points of view at times, but I don't think it was this thorough. This might be a criticizing comment but I feel like the story is going to fast and not getting the feeling of raw emotions from Key, but I do get it from Jonghyun but it is just 10 chapters.
But you touch upon it in this chapter, so that's good. :) Update soon! I can't wait what happens after! sorry if this is a long comment. XD
I love you for this comment. I wish more people would give me this kind of CC/honesty. *appreciates it*
You just summed up all my worries and fears concerning this chapter/Kibum's character. To be honest, working on this chapter gave me a hard time. It will probably sound bad, but I just wanted to get it over and done with, and that's most probably why it's this short. I was frankly trying to find a way to make it seamlessly disappear, but realised this is Kibum's first chance of getting to show off his thoughts and feelings, right after the second, introductional-in-a-way chapter. From the start, I've always been so afraid of him becoming a dummy in this /sigh
I really hope the next chapter will meet your expectations, then! Looking forward to posting it :3 Thank you so much ♥
gahh!! cliffhanger! omo, kibum, what are you going to do?! jonghyun is not gonna like this. or will it be jinki that he has randomly tackled? i liked it. moar please?? ♥
The next one is coming out as scheduled, on Friday. It's only the 6th chapter that was unfortunately pushed a day back. Everything else remains the same, so no need to worry :3
Comments 22
I loved this chapter! <3 I really liked the scene with the uncle and I adore how the chapter ended (I sense JongKey y/y?)~! :3 Dieing for the next one~♥
It would be cool if Key became an assassin. 'Cause we all know Key with a gun is hawt stuff.
( ... )
LOL IRL he's definitely interesting, all right XD
Glad you enjoyed! Thank you for reading ♥
(The comment has been removed)
Thanks for reading! :3
I'm also glad there is some insight on how Key is feeling after the incident. It gives more character to Key since we seen Jonghyun's point of view more. Though, it does switches points of view at times, but I don't think it was this thorough. This might be a criticizing comment but I feel like the story is going to fast and not getting the feeling of raw emotions from Key, but I do get it from Jonghyun but it is just 10 chapters.
But you touch upon it in this chapter, so that's good. :)
Update soon! I can't wait what happens after! sorry if this is a long comment. XD
You just summed up all my worries and fears concerning this chapter/Kibum's character. To be honest, working on this chapter gave me a hard time. It will probably sound bad, but I just wanted to get it over and done with, and that's most probably why it's this short. I was frankly trying to find a way to make it seamlessly disappear, but realised this is Kibum's first chance of getting to show off his thoughts and feelings, right after the second, introductional-in-a-way chapter. From the start, I've always been so afraid of him becoming a dummy in this /sigh
I really hope the next chapter will meet your expectations, then! Looking forward to posting it :3
Thank you so much ♥
omo, kibum, what are you going to do?! jonghyun is not gonna like this. or will it be jinki that he has randomly tackled?
i liked it. moar please?? ♥
You'll have to wait and see~ :3
Thank you for reading! ♥
when's the next one due to come out?
THANK YOU for sharing <333
The next one is coming out as scheduled, on Friday. It's only the 6th chapter that was unfortunately pushed a day back. Everything else remains the same, so no need to worry :3
Thank you for reading ♥
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