Title: Chances Pairing: Jonghyun/Key Genre: PWP Rating: NC-17 Summary: Once is chance, twice is a coincidence and third time is a pattern, even when it comes to Kibum's fingers brushing against Jonghyun's back. ( click. )
Yes, that's pretty much what happened lol. The whole Chances thingy is just a wordplay on the phrase "Once is chance, twice is a coincidence and third time is a pattern". Kibum uses luck as an excuse to touch Jonghyun, and Jonghyun can see through it but still doesn't stop it.
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Glad you enjoyed :3
Thank you for reading!
The whole Chances thingy is just a wordplay on the phrase "Once is chance, twice is a coincidence and third time is a pattern". Kibum uses luck as an excuse to touch Jonghyun, and Jonghyun can see through it but still doesn't stop it.
Thanks for reading :]
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