Title: At Gunpoint 8/10 Pairing: Jonghyun/Key Genre: AU Rating: PG-13 for this chapter Summary: Kibum wakes up later than usual the next day, the scent clinging to his skin not entirely his, and the lack of nausea surprises him. ( click. )
ugh. these two, i swear. they needa like elope or something D:< lol. happy ending, y/y? (: anyways. i'm always excited by your updates, haha. can't wait for more :D ♥
This is SO good! I feel like a greedy bitch, I want more! >.<
The relationship between Jjong and Key is escalating and I can't wait to see where it goes! & I can't help but worry Key is going to do something completely stupid. I hope I'm wrong, but whatever happens I know it will be perfect, because your writing is perfect. <3
Comments 31
like really. it makes my day.
Thank you for reading :3
lol. happy ending, y/y? (:
anyways. i'm always excited by your updates, haha.
can't wait for more :D
We'll see pretty soon!
Really glad you're enjoying this, thank you for reading ♥
The relationship between Jjong and Key is escalating and I can't wait to see where it goes! & I can't help but worry Key is going to do something completely stupid. I hope I'm wrong, but whatever happens I know it will be perfect, because your writing is perfect. <3
I'll wait patiently for more. :3
But I'm just really happy you like this!
And that is such a high praise, thank you so much ♥
Thank you for reading :3
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I'm really glad you're enjoying it!
Thank you for reading ♥
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