Title: At Gunpoint 10/10
Pairing: Jonghyun/Key
Genre: AU
Rating: PG for this chapter
Summary: Kibum practically barricades himself in his room for the whole day. He doesn't directly get news on what happened, but he knows - he can tell by the way the sirens sound and how his hands shake.
click. )
Comments 80
I'm literally sad that this story is ending. I really did love love love it too death. It was a nice story that had elements of physical emotions! Though, it didn't really shine enough of the characters, there was some substance of emotions when the right time comes for it. &hearts ♥ ♥
I had more to say, but I don't think I can. It might turn into one long essay. So I'll put it into simple terms = beautiful. amazing. flawless. perfect.
The end is perfect, it might be just another cliche (with the accent...lol don't know the buttons to make it into an accent), but it was sweet. I love happy endings!
I wish I wouldn't have been this hasty/excited while writing this, so that I could have paid more attention to matters such as the ones you addressed, but it's still a lesson learned lol.
The ending, cliche as it may be, I couldn't have avoided in a million years lmao. These two bring out the sap in me.
Thank you so much for reading! ♥
But the ending is so perfect, it's like a whole new beginning kalasfkjsf *showers you with hearts and cookies*
;; Thank you, like, so much, for the billionth time *glomps* ♥
I like the ending so much ♥ how Jonghyun changed little by little every chapter made the whole story more or less "real" (it's not like the usual story when the boy fall in love with the other in 3 seconds and then after the first meeting, they have wild sex outdoor. That kind of thing :/).
Kibum was interesting (ok, I'm biased XD), he was almost apathetic for the whole fic and maybe running away with Jonghyun was the best choice in his life ♥ yeah, who wouldn't be happy with Jjong? .
My lack of English can't express what I think of this fic, so it's better if I stop here and say that I really like reading this story ♥.
Yep, taking it slow is always preferred imo :3
Thank you so much for reading, I'm really glad you enjoyed ♥
(I hope that you are pleased)
I am so happy that you wrote this and how it was a complete pleasure to read each chapter because I could never hold any expectations for what was to come (damn, you are good).
The ending. It's perfection. Poor Minho, but, really? why should it matter when Jonghyun and Kibum, after all this time, are riding off to who-knows-where, violating traffic laws and just being so... liberated.
Also, all is acceptable, as long as jongkey end up together in the end. Sacrifices need to be made lol.
I'm really, really happy you liked it that much!
Thank you for reading ♥
I love a happy ending, especially if it's Jongkey.
But now I'm craving for a sequel... ^_^
But nah, I don't really see a sequel happening, though. Leaving it up to you to make up the rest :3
Thanks for reading!
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