Title: Distractions Pairing: Jonghyun/Key Genre: PWP Rating: NC-17 Summary: Kibum takes pride in being able to turn him on so easily; Jonghyun, on the other hand, finds it ridiculous. ( click. )
holy fuck i loved this so much. i haven't read any good old classic jongkey pwp in a while so this was greatly welcomed. i love their dynamic and the way that it's kind of a game, but there are definitely deeper feelings beneath all of that as well.
He accepts with a flick of his wrist which successfully undoes the towel around his waist, and an expression that hopefully reads two can play the game. Or something. i love jonghyun's inner turmoil that eventually leads to him just going along with it.
For a second, Jonghyun wonders if all this isn't just a game; if it was simply initiated because Kibum genuinely needed him. The thought makes his ribcage fire up with something much deeper than want. fuck i love this so much
Kibum fakes a huff. "If that works for you," is all he says in reply before turning his head forward, and Jonghyun can see the corner of his cheek tightening. He's smiling. this is so adorable despite being placed in the middle of an insanely hot hook up
Never failing him, though, Kibum lets out half a laugh before
( ... )
I'm really satisfied you found all these bits ffffff :B It's just that, in my mind, Jonghyun and Key feel the most natural like this, especially when it comes to NC-17. It feels right to me, and the fact that other people can see it, too, makes me so happy! I have so much love for playful-but-meaningful sexytiems!jongkey, you don't even know ;u; babblingbabblingbabbling lol
Comments 51
Glad you liked it!
Thank you for reading~
thoroughly and utterly DEAD.
this was all kinds of delicious....& you are made of WIN.
sorry for the sucky comment....my brain is a bit incoherent ATM....XD
Really happy you enjoyed!
Thanks for reading :3
i haven't read any good old classic jongkey pwp in a while so this was greatly welcomed.
i love their dynamic and the way that it's kind of a game, but there are definitely deeper feelings beneath all of that as well.
He accepts with a flick of his wrist which successfully undoes the towel around his waist, and an expression that hopefully reads two can play the game. Or something.
i love jonghyun's inner turmoil that eventually leads to him just going along with it.
For a second, Jonghyun wonders if all this isn't just a game; if it was simply initiated because Kibum genuinely needed him. The thought makes his ribcage fire up with something much deeper than want.
fuck i love this so much
Kibum fakes a huff. "If that works for you," is all he says in reply before turning his head forward, and Jonghyun can see the corner of his cheek tightening. He's smiling.
this is so adorable despite being placed in the middle of an insanely hot hook up
Never failing him, though, Kibum lets out half a laugh before ( ... )
I'm really satisfied you found all these bits ffffff :B
It's just that, in my mind, Jonghyun and Key feel the most natural like this, especially when it comes to NC-17. It feels right to me, and the fact that other people can see it, too, makes me so happy! I have so much love for playful-but-meaningful sexytiems!jongkey, you don't even know ;u; babblingbabblingbabbling lol
Thank you so, so much! :3
I love the way you characterized competitive Jonghyun and slightly snarky Key.
Glad to hear that!
Thanks for reading~
kekeke, we all know Jongie's incapable of denying / ignoring Key of anything, anytime, anywhere
So nice~ :)
Of course, that's common knowledge XD
Thanks for reading!
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