Updated outstanding Pinch hits

Aug 11, 2019 11:32

All of the pinch hits below will be due August 31st.

(#7 was claimed)

Please claim pinch hits with your AO3 User Name and the pinch hit number either by comment (all comments are screened), email (fic.corner@gmail.com) or DM. Please note that you will need to be logged in to see a reply to a screened comment.

PH #4 Avatars Series, Dragonback Series, Enthusiasm

Request 1 by mairelon
Avatars series - Tui T. Sutherland
Catequil “Tigre” Montenegro, Kali Nichols, Shiva (Avatars)

I love the Avatars series but I always wondered what happens to everyone after the series ends.

A story about any of the characters would be awesome.

Tigre is my favorite avatar. I would love to see Tigre being awesome, saving endangered animals, and making the world a better place. How does he handle getting all his memories of being a god back?

Or maybe a story about Kali and Shiva reconnecting after eighteen years apart.

Or maybe a story about Tigre and Kali working together to fix the world.

Request 2 by mairelon
Dragonback Series - Timothy Zahn
Alison Kayna, Cornelius Braxton, Draycos (Dragonback Series), Jack Morgan (Dragonback Series)

I love the characters and the setting of the Dragonback series. I would love a story that explores what happens after the end of Dragon and Liberator. What happens next? How does Jack deal with being an ambassador? How is Cornelius Braxton handling the clean up of the Neverlin/Malison Ring/Valaghua conspiracy? I'm sure Jack, Draycos, and Alison will still get into plenty of trouble and have a lot of adventures.

Request 3 by mairelon
Enthusiasm - Polly Shulman
Ashleigh Rossi, Charles Grandison Parr, Julie Lefkowitz, Samanatha Liu, Zach Liu

I love Enthusiasm. I would love a story about the characters after the book ends.

PH #5 Greenglass House, Girls of Paper and Fire Series, Gunnerkrigg Court

Request 1 by spoke
Greenglass House Series - Kate Milford
Nora Pine, Milo Pine, Doc Holystone, Ben Pine, Addie Whitcher

Where does Addie go, when she's not in Greenglass House? For that matter, where does Doc Holystone? What was that conversation like, after the end of the first book? Or, what about some summer after - or spring? Why do things only happen in winter?!

Letter: http://spoke.dreamwidth.org/403854.html

Request 2 by spoke
Girls of Paper and Fire Series - Natasha Ngan
Wren (Girls of Paper and Fire), Lei (Girls of Paper and Fire)

Please please give my girls some happy time together before the news reaches them. <3

Letter: http://spoke.dreamwidth.org/403854.html

Request 3 by spoke
Gunnerkrigg Court
Any Character

I have just binge re-read the entire series, and am in love all over again. I will admit that Kat is a favorite, but any story you care to tell about these incredible girls and their terrible school. <3

Letter: http://spoke.dreamwidth.org/403854.html

Anne of Green Gables, Betsy-Tacy, Narnia, Mary Poppins, Matilda

Request 1 by tablelamp
Anne of Green Gables - L. M. Montgomery
Anne Shirley, Diana Barry, Marilla Cuthbert

I’d love to see any combination of these characters. Want to write Anne and Diana doing something together-telling stories, gathering flowers, imagining their futures while watching the sunset? That would be wonderful. Or, would you rather explore Anne and Marilla’s relationship through a moment they shared? Or, for something a little different, what would Diana and Marilla talk about if Anne isn’t there? For example, what if Diana is waiting at the Cuthberts’ for Anne to come back from somewhere and she and Marilla end up making conversation? Is Marilla doing something in the kitchen? Does Diana offer to help? They both have practical mindsets, in their own ways. Anything about any one of those characters-about her, from her point of view-would also be wonderful. (If you like Anne/Diana or Anne & Diana, go for it! I like both.)

DNW: Any romantic pairings with the listed characters other than Anne/Diana.

Request 2 by tablelamp
Betsy-Tacy Series - Maud Hart Lovelace
Betsy Ray, Tacy Kelly, Carney Sibley, Tib Muller, Emily Webster

All these characters are wonderful, and I will be glad of a story about any one of them or any grouping of them. Slash and gen are both very welcome here!

Request 3 by tablelamp
Chronicles of Narnia - C. S. Lewis
Susan Pevensie, Lucy Pevensie, Jill Pole, Polly Plummer

I’d be interested in learning about the lives of any of these characters outside of what we see in canon. What does Susan and Lucy’s sisterly relationship look like pre-The Last Battle? What about Jill between The Silver Chair and The Last Battle? Or Polly? I have to believe Lucy would’ve wanted to find some way to say goodbye to Susan if she’d known she was leaving her behind in The Last Battle; did she get a chance to? Or if you want to write post-TLB Susan, that’s good too-always room for more of that.

DNW: Character bashing of the requested characters, incest.

Request 4 by tablelamp
Mary Poppins - P. L. Travers
Mary Poppins, Bert (Mary Poppins), Jane Banks, Michael Banks, Annabel Banks

I’d love to see an adventure with Mary, Jane, Michael, Bert, and/or quite possibly Annabel, one of the lost Banks children (along with John and Barbara) who didn’t make it into the movies. Any combination of these five doing magical things would be marvelous!

DNW: Any romantic pairings other than Mary/Bert, incest.

Request 5 by tablelamp
Matilda - Roald Dahl
Matilda Wormwood, Jennifer Honey, Mrs. Phelps (Matilda), Lavender (Matilda), Michael Wormwood, Hortensia (Matilda)

I would be interested in seeing any of these characters and what they got up to outside or after the canon of the book. What do Matilda, Lavender, Hortensia, or Michael grow up to do? Who do they become? Do Lavender and Matilda stay friends? Does Michael ever realize how awful his parents are and/or miss his sister? What about Miss Honey or Mrs Phelps? Are there other kids Mrs Phelps helps besides Matilda? What does Miss Honey decide to do with her life after the dust settles from Matilda’s parents leaving?

DNW: Incest.

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