Title: NYPD Princess
Fandom: The Unusuals
Characters: Casey Shraeger and Jason Walsh
Prompt: #2 - Life
Word Count: 295
Rating: PG
Summary: Casey tells Jason her secret
prompt table and disclaimer “If I tell you something, can I trust you not to tell anyone else?” Casey asked, sitting down at the counter in Jason’s diner.
“Oh boy.” He let out a quick breath and turned to look at her. “How much trouble are you in?”
She shook her head quickly. “No. No, I’m not in trouble. There’s something I’ve been hiding from you for a while.”
His eyes quickly flashed to her stomach. “Are you pregnant?”
She blinked. “No. It’s nothing like that. Depending on how you look at it, it might not be that bad.”
“Not that bad?” he repeated. He leaned against the counter, towards her he put her hand on top of hers. “Case, you can tell me.”
“I’m rich,” she said quickly.
He stared at her. “You’re… what?”
“My parents, technically. Well, my dad. I have a trust fund. There’s a lot of money in it.”
He looked down at the counter. “How much are we talking here? Thousands?”
She sighed. “Hundreds of thousands. Closer to a million.”
He took a step away from her and slowly met her eyes. “You have almost a million dollars and you didn’t think it was important to tell me?”
“As my boyfriend or my partner?”
“Both. What if something had happened to you?”
“My parents would have taken care of it.”
He shook his head in disbelief. “I’ve seen your apartment. It’s not exactly Park Avenue.”
“I grew up on Park Avenue. I’m done with that. I could be living on a beach somewhere, but I’m not. I’m a cop. I’m doing one of the most dangerous jobs in the world, in one of the most of dangerous cities. I’m not a princess and I can kick your ass.”
He smirked. “You’re like NYPD Barbie.”