Title: Promises We Keep
Fandom: The Unusuals
Characters: Jason Walsh
Prompt: #3 - Hardship
Word Count: 180
Rating: high PG
Summary: After Casey’s death, Jason gets her diary from her apartment
prompt table and disclaimer “Damn it,” Jason mumbled when the key Casey had given him to her apartment didn’t work. He took a step back then kicked the door hard, making it fly off its hinges.
He heard a door open behind him and looked back to see a tiny old woman who lived across the hall peeking out at him. “How ya doing?” he asked, flashing his badge. The other door shut quickly.
He rolled his eyes and stepped into the dark apartment. He walked quickly to her bedroom and opened her closet door. He shoved aside clothes until he found the locked metal box on the floor.
He wrapped it in his jacket and left the apartment, to see the elderly woman looking out her door at him again. “Boo,” he said, jumping toward her. The door closed again.
He walked quickly down the stairs and knocked on the door of the landlord’s apartment. The middle aged man opened the door and looked at Jason suspiciously.
“The door to apartment 1D’s broken,” Jason said simply before turning around and leaving the building.