Title: Leaning Tower
Fandom: The Unusuals
Characters: Jason Walsh and Casey Shraeger
Prompt: #25 - Contradiction
Word Count: 162
Rating: PG
Summary: Jason tries to put together Casey’s new DVD tower
prompt table and disclaimer “I don’t think that goes there,” Casey said, watching Jason struggle with a new DVD stand on her floor, directions in her hand.
“Of course if goes here,” he told her, forcing a plank of wood into a space it couldn’t possibly fit. It broke in two in his hand, he tossed it onto a pile of broken pieces next to him.
“Why don’t you try reading the directions?” she suggested.
“What’s the point of directions? I know what I’m doing.”
“Which is why there’s a giant pile of broken shelves on the floor. Why don’t you just let me put it together?”
“I told you I’d do it. I didn’t need those anyway.” He forced a shelf into place, then stood the unit upright. “There. Done.”
Casey watched it sway then collapse. “You know, maybe all those screws you insisted you didn’t need actually did something.”
He looked at the broken tower at his feet. “Like what?”
“Like… hold it together.”