Title: The Whiteboard Turbulence
Fandom: The Big Bang Theory
Characters: Penny Hofstadter, Leonard Hofstadter and Isaac Hofstadter (OC)
Prompt: #30 - Family
Word Count: 326
Rating: G
Summary: Penny and Leonard’s son gets into a little bit of trouble
prompt table and disclaimer “Isaac?” Penny called as she walked into the living room. “We’re done playing hide and seek, buddy. Come on out, I have to make dinner.”
She sighed when he didn’t come out of wherever his hiding spot was. “Isaac Sheldon!” She looked into his normal hiding spots, then glanced behind the couch, where she found her son scribbling on a white board over top of the equations. “Oh, no,” she mumbled. “No. No, Ikey.”
She quickly picked the little boy up, pulling the marker out of his hand. “Sweetie, we told you about drawing on Daddy’s board.” She sighed, looking at the white board before putting her son back on the floor. “Why don’t you go clean up your toys before dinner?”
Isaac nodded and ran off to his bedroom while Penny grabbed an eraser, cleaning the board before she began writing on it again.
“Honey, I’m home,” Leonard said as he walked into the apartment.
Penny rolled her eyes, tossing a toy train into Isaac’s toy box and walked over to him. “You never get sick of saying that, do you?” she asked, wrapping her arms around his neck, turning him away from the white board on the other side of the room.
He shrugged and opened his mouth to speak before she kissed him. “How was your day?” he asked when she pulled away.
“Oh, you know. Boring.” She kissed him again.
“Ok,” he said, pulling away from her again. “Ok, what happened?”
“What? Nothing. I just missed you.”
“Uh huh.” He turned quickly around to survey the room before she could stop him. His eyes fell on the white board. It was now covered in simple algebra equations and shapes in her hand writing. “Two plus two equals four?” he asked. He smiled when she shrugged, shaking his head as he looked at her again. “Well, I guess we’re gonna need a new hiding spot for the markers. Thanks for trying though.”