Under the Summer Sun - Lost - Jin/Sawyer

Jun 21, 2009 22:12

Title: Under the Summer Sun
Pairing: Jin/Sawyer
Word Count: 527
Rating: PG-13
A/N: I am starting my summer job tomorrow, and therefore felt compelled to write a ficlet about Jin and Sawyer slacking off work. Established relationship. Written using one of writing_rainbow's prompts.
Summary: Slipping away from their jobs with the Dharma Initiative, Jin and Sawyer spend the day in the jungle.

Beneath him, grass is crushed beneath his bare skin, providing a lush mattress. Sawyer keeps his eyes closed in the island's sun with no fear of burning. His breathing is steady and sleepy, in-out, in-out. There is work to be done back in the village. Head of Security... He's got a title now. A job. Responsibilities.

And, fuck, he'd never saw that in his future back when the plane had first crashed. He'd never thought of settling down and falling in love. Never imagined finding a home and getting a job. He'd never imagined falling for someone quite as male as Jin either.

"We should go back," Jin says, lying beside him. Sawyer doesn't stir or open his eyes at all. If he doesn't respond, perhaps Jin will forget that stupid idea. He doesn't want to go back, doesn't want to return to work. Wants to lie here in the sun with his boyfriend and pretend that nobody else exists.

'His boyfriend'.

Jesus Christ, Sawyer's never gonna get used to thinking of him as that, never mind saying it aloud. In his mind, Jin still belongs to Sun. Doesn't matter that she's gone, that both of the women they loved disappeared in one single explosion. Sawyer met him as a married man and even though it's been three years he can still feel that shadow looming over them.

"Everyone will start to wonder where we are," Jin points out. His accent is still thick, but three years of being surrounded by English speakers has managed to drum a fair bit of vocabulary into his mind.

"So?" Sawyer mumbles. He finally cracks open one eye and rolls over onto the front. Bits of grass and leaves stick in his hair and he feels the tickle of the greenery against his bare stomach. Jin stays lying on his back, looking up at him peacefully. His hair, longer than it was when they first landed here, invites Sawyer to run his fingers through it, perfectly black against the bright colours of the island. "Let 'em wonder. I don't have anything I got to do today."

There's nothing that's too essential, anyway. They might arrive home tonight to find that Horace has been panicking under the assumption that the Hostiles were behind their short disappearance, but that's a problem that's easily smoothed over. Sawyer's hand leaves Jin's hair and his fingers travel over his jawbone instead, tracing Jin's features. Jin reaches up and holds onto his hand, the skin of his palm soft and hot. It is gentle and silent, and when Jin looks up at him with eyes that are so dark they look black neither one of them tries to say a word. It reminds Sawyer of the early days, when their communication was carried through touch and gestures: words had been unnecessary.

"C'mon," he wheedles. "Stay out with me. Screw those Dharma hippies."

Jin answers with a hand on his neck, guiding him down into a kiss, naked body against naked body with their clothes long abandoned. They open up to each other, slow and lazy, and Sawyer realises that maybe the best part of their relationship is still the part without words.

character:sawyer, character:jin-soo kwon, pairing:jin/sawyer, fandom:lost, prompt:writing_rainbow

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