yumemirunosekai Title: Post Tenebras, Lux (Part 1)
Pairings/Characters: Kamenashi Kazuya/Ueda Tatsuya (main), Taguchi Junnosuke, Tanaka Koki, Toda Erika (side)
Rating: NC 17+
Warnings: blood, violence, gore, angst, AU, sci-fi
Notes: My first attempt at an AU/sci-fi fic. This a KAT-TUN gen fic with a side of KameDa. The personality I chose for Kame is
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Comments 2
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I'm seeing judgemental Shuji already 8'D
Taguchi's just scared, like everyone else.
OMG, what is this dreaded world D: The reason why he listens to the news *cringes*
Besides, these are Level Two passes, which is more worth killing for compared to those useless Level One passes that does not guarantee a place in the sanctuary.
*grips edge of table*
I FORGOT TO COMMENT ON BITS WHERE I WAS JUST READING IN ABJECT HORROR. IT'S NEARING MIDNIGHT AND I'M ACTUALLY TERRIFIED (hence the caps). And I think I know who Anon-san because of the passing GazettE references (I hope I'm not jumping the gun and getting it wrong, omg).
A shrill female computerised voice slices through the air, "Maximum capacity reached. Sanctuary KU20061304 will now undergo the lockdown sequence. All military personnel, please proceed to the designated extraction points, thank you.”NOO T___________T My heart ( ... )
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