yumemirunosekai Title: Post Tenebras, Lux (Part 2)
Pairings/Characters: Kamenashi Kazuya/Ueda Tatsuya (main), Taguchi Junnosuke, Tanaka Koki, Toda Erika (side)
Rating: NC 17+
Warnings: blood, violence, gore, angst, AU, sci-fi
Notes: My first attempt at an AU/sci-fi fic. This a KAT-TUN gen fic with a side of KameDa. The personality I chose for Kame is
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Comments 1
Still staying strong ;__;
And the two temporary companions part ways at that fork in the road.
I feel safer when Kame was with Toda Erika /cries
Kame can only see Taguchi's shoes and the feet of two other people following behind him.
Taguchi to the rescue, yes!
man with a rather intimidating buzz-cut, and another less muscular one donning a rather hideous looking argyle sweater
Koki and Maru ~
"Fun group aren't we?" says Taguchi, grinning at Kame.
It just makes me wonder how worried he exactly is :( And where are all their parents?
"Burn in hell, asshole,” Kame bites out
Somehow I really like this sentence..
Why did someone/something just have to interfere with their nice harmless bantering session ;__; THEY WERE JUST GETTING TO KNOW ONE ANOTHER D:
And I like how Kame can still admire Ueda's looks as the world falls behind them :B Off to the next part ~
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