yumemirunosekai Title: Post Tenebras, Lux (Part 3)
Pairings/Characters: Kamenashi Kazuya/Ueda Tatsuya (main), Taguchi Junnosuke, Tanaka Koki, Toda Erika (side)
Rating: NC 17+
Warnings: blood, violence, gore, angst, AU, sci-fi
Notes: My first attempt at an AU/sci-fi fic. This a KAT-TUN gen fic with a side of KameDa. The personality I chose for Kame is
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Comments 1
Ueda being half a centimetre shorter than him saves him the embarrassment of looking like a weak little girl.
Oh Kame, should you really be wondering about things like that when you might die anytime? D:
Or more like prince asshole, adds Kame mentally.
Not the moment Kame! Focus on tearing those yellow teeth off instead..? #violent
The poison words appear to be true, because Ueda's face becomes paler and paler, until he looks almost sickly.
The man hurt Ueda. He hurt Ueda, and therefore must be punished. It was as simple as that.
“I knew it,” Koki says once they are all in the brothel, doors bolted and secure. “I knew there was something off about him the minute I met him. Jesus Christ, what was I thinking? The man’s shelter is a fucking brothel! That should have triggered alarm bells for fuck’s sake!”
“That’s not fair, Koki,” Nakamaru says reasonably. “Ueda isn’t a bad person. He must have his ( ... )
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