yumemirunosekai Title: Post Tenebras, Lux (Part 4)
Pairings/Characters: Kamenashi Kazuya/Ueda Tatsuya (main), Taguchi Junnosuke, Tanaka Koki, Toda Erika (side)
Rating: NC 17+
Warnings: blood, violence, gore, angst, AU, sci-fi
Notes: My first attempt at an AU/sci-fi fic. This a KAT-TUN gen fic with a side of KameDa. The personality I chose for Kame is
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Comments 2
This is going to be a little short since I couldn't comment as I read along on my handphone :(
Kame scrubs harder and he barely feels the pain as the rough scrubber scratches raw skin. Kame’s breaths come out in short pants as he just washes himself, scrubbing and scrubbing.
WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO YOURSELF DDDD: OCD!Kame should just chill although it's sad he can't
Everything, even he smells of Ueda.
It’s a smell that sticks.
SO HOT 8D And I'm glad it distracts Kame sufficiently not to scrub the skin off his flesh :')
Kame has lost everything he has - his morals, his pride - all to that angelic looking sin that tasted of caramel and dark chocolate.
THIS SENTENCE ;__; I had a hard time restraining myself from punching something because Ueda was being a total ass.
Those characteristics come gift wrapped in a pretty little package along with ( ... )
These aren't my only thoughts, but I had to mention them now
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