Title: This Party is Fancy Dress!
LJ username: Anonymous
Team: Anonymous
Prompt: Fancy
Rating: PG
Warnings/Notes: This would actually make more sense if I finished all five of the pics I had planned. Unfortunately time got away from me and I only got two done. Let's just say Ron puts up with a lot for the people he loves, and someone needs to tell Draco that there is such a thing as too fancy. :) I would also like to apologise to my team, for this not being in color. :( I suck at the color. The magazine in Draco's hand says "Wizard Fashion, Latest Styles: Dressing Down", and the words on the second pic say "Hey Weasley, Nice Dress!"
Disclaimer: All sexual activity portrayed in this image is between two consenting adults who are at least 18 years of age. I do not own any of the characters.