Sep 02, 2009 00:42

Since the main battles are won on an absolute point system (winner takes all 10 points), we've come up with another way for you to earn points for your team.

It's the Ficadron Dra(w)bble Duel!

Every Tuesday, starting on the 15th of September, we will post prompts to this community. Teams will have until the adjacent Friday (that's about three days) to come up with as many drabbles or drawbles as they can. They don't have to be super good or polished, and the best part is ANYone can participate! And you can submit multiple drabbles/drawbles!

You don't even have to be on a team, you can submit a drabble and specify the team you're drawing or writing it for!

So if you or your friends didn't want to sign up for the fest (I know they can be pretty time consuming and stressful), but still wanted to participate in some way, here is your chance!

1. Drabbles must be somewhere between 100 to 500 words approximately.

2. Drawbles may be sketches or finished pieces (or anywhere in between).

3. Stick art is allowed but please limit yourself to one or two stickart submissions per person.

4. It will be easier for people who are voting if you can please include the image in your submission comment, but a link will do, if you must.

5. Make as many submissions as you like. Multiple submissions are encouraged and rewarded! You can even alternate the team you're submitting for if you play for both sides, it is all up to you. :P

6. All Ratings are allowed, but please warn for any potential risque material.

7. ANYONE can vote, and ANYONE can submit an entry. :D

How to Submit:
Post a comment to the prompt post with your submission included, using this template:

Title: (if applicable)
Team: (Who you are submitting on behalf of, Team Ron or Team Draco)
Dra(w)bble: (text of your drabble, or image tag of your drawble, or link to your art)

How to Vote:
Post a reply to the comment with the submission you are voting for. You must include the word VOTE either in the subject line or somewhere in your reply for it to count as a vote.

2 points -- to the team with the highest number of drabbles/drawbles
3 points -- to the person (and team of their choice) who individually racks up the highest number of submissions.
3 points -- to the best submission (the one that gets the most votes)

-Prompts are posted on Tuesdays.
-Submission posting ends on Friday.
-Voting ends on Sunday.
-Results are posted on Monday.

Posting schedule:
Sept 15
Sept 22
Sept 29
Oct 6
Oct 13
Oct 20

As stated before, ANYONE can participate in these duels, so you can even get your writer or artist friends to drop a little sumpin sumpin for some easy points that could help bring your team ahead! This is one time where bringing in ringers is considered totally fair play!

Get your friends involved, get your TEAMMATES involved, remember quick and easy points!

Hope to see you then!

-- Ficadron Mods

mod post

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