Title: Endlessly
Author: spooky_xphile
Pairing/Fandom: Doctor Who, [The Doctor(9&10)/Rose Tyler]
CD: Absolution- Muse
Rating: PG
There’s a part of me you’ll never know
The only thing I’ll never show
The Doctor realized no matter how he felt about Rose, he could never tell her. The Time War. The brutality of it all, the evil that occurred.
Hopelessly I’ll love you endlessly
Hopelessly I’ll give you everything
He would want her to know that he always did love her. He wanted to show her everything the universe had to offer.
It’s plain to see it’s trying to speak
Cherished dreams forever asleep
When he first saw her dressed up in Dickens Cardiff, he knew something about her made his hearts beat faster. He could never say, he would never say. The dreams he had involving her could be said.
But I won’t give you up
I won’t let you down
And I won’t leave you falling
He did not want her to leave him or disappoint her with a mundane adventure. He did not want her to fall through the nothingness, a place he would never be able to go. He desperately hoped that would never be the case.