Title: Start to Finish
ficdirectoryCharacters: Prentiss
Word Count: 23,799 - Chapter 8/10
Warnings/Spoilers/Rating: Character Death, Loss of a Loved One/Seasons 2-6/FRT.
Summary: Emily’s time in the BAU.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the CBS-owned characters mentioned. Not written for profit.
Notes: Over the last week, I have written a crazy
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Comments 8
Great Job :).
She can't remember when she started crying.
Then again, she can't remember stopping either.
Ohhhh, Emilyyyyyyy!
"No treats," she insists. "No way. You've made me very angry."
Aw, Serge! I hope someone awesome is taking care of you!
Reid suspects. He asks who Lauren is. She tells him she was an old friend. She does not tell him the truth.
I'm here.
Yeah, I pretty much love all of Emily! <3
Oh :( I never thought of that. I bet one of the ladies will take him.
I love it, too!
Oh, gosh! Yay! I love all of Emily, too!
I'm pretty sure that if Hotch tells the team she's alive Garcia will find her within the next week, then Reid and Morgan will be there too, and at the end the whole "hiding" would go just wrong.
At least she has JJ right?
is it weird that I want yet another cat (I feed at least 16 strays and my own two)and call him Sergio?
Prentiss is one of my fav female characters in TV this days, no need to show ridiculously skimpy clothes to have the work done and no need to be Michelle Rodriguez Clon to look badass. she IS great and hope she stays on CM.
moving on to Reid/the next now that I have time
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