Title: Sleep. Rating: PG Genre: Fluff Pairing: WonKyu Summary: Just a moment in Choi Siwon's bedroom. (Now, don't you get any ideas...) Disclaimer: I don't own them. Warnings: Un-beta'd; random plot. Spot:
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Yeah, I took a peek into their dorm ;) Thanks! I'm really glad you thought it was! :D And yup, I totally agree with you -- not all bedroom fics have to be "grown up" xD Glomp ahead! :DDD
I wish you'd write more of this stuff...it's so wonderful to re-read this WonKyu stuff, specially at this late hour...it's such a beautiful way to be happy! (^O^)\/ My new fav line --> “...like say Minnie-hyung’s room? That guy sleeps like a log through everything...” Everything!! xD
Hehe... I want to write more, but I don't have any new ideas in the Fluffy WonKyu area... I'm so happy you've re-read this though, and that you even have a favourite line! :DD
Gosh... How random for me to find this fic?! @_@ hehehee but i'm over the moon i did.. Sooo cute and sooo adorable of kyu. And for once siwon acted like a hyung instead of a push over bf...kekkee just give them time... Siwon is easily push...kekeke ^___^ thanx
Comments 27
whoot whoot!
So sweet this one!! And yes, not all bedroom stories have to be...erm...that way!!
Kyuhyun vehemently denied. “I have not!”
Cute lil tantrum boy...can I glomp him? ♡♥(。´▽`。)♥♡
Thanks! I'm really glad you thought it was! :D And yup, I totally agree with you -- not all bedroom fics have to be "grown up" xD
Glomp ahead! :DDD
I wish you'd write more of this stuff...it's so wonderful to re-read this WonKyu stuff, specially at this late hour...it's such a beautiful way to be happy! (^O^)\/
My new fav line --> “...like say Minnie-hyung’s room? That guy sleeps like a log through everything...” Everything!! xD
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