Title: Accidents
Rating: PG
Genre: Humour
Subject: Ryeowook
Summary: He was quite accident prone in the morning, this Wookie.
Disclaimer: Sadly, I do not own any of the Super Junior members.
Author's note: Constructive criticism is welcome. :)
“Omo!” Ryeowook gasped, after he had accidentally knocked down a cup of strawberry milk from the kitchen counter.
He was quite accident prone in the morning, this Wookie.
Ryeowook’s eyes grew wide, then the eternal magnae exhaled with relief when he realised said cup was - thankfully - made of plastic and not glass, like he had feared.
And so, Ryeowook hastily retrieved a mop - proceeding to clean up the sticky, pink puddle he had created on the tiled floor.
“It’s time to wake the other members up!” the eternal magnae chirped happily, pleased that he had managed to mop up the mess in less than a few minutes.
As he neared Heechul-hyung and Hangeng-hyung’s shared bedroom, Ryeowook could hear some banging around emitting from said room.
“Hmm... I wonder what’s going on inside?” he wondered.
Poor, innocent Wookie turned the knob to said room.
Boy, he was most definitely NOT prepared for the sight that awaited him.
“Fuck! Kim Ryeowook! Haven’t you ever heard of knocking?!” Heechul’s loud screech echoed through the building.
“Mianhae! Mianhae!” Ryeowook shouted in absolute horror, both palms covering his eyes, as he ran out of the room.
Now, that was an accident of a different kind.
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