Title: Hyukkie, it's snowing! Rating: PG Genre: Fluff Pairing: Eunhyuk, Donghae Summary: Donghae will not stop at anything... to go play with Hyukkie in the snow! Disclaimer: As usual.
that's good then :DDDD I'm a Hyukhae shipper too, but if you're in need for both.. come to my journal. my multichaptered fic is Haehyuk while everything else is Hyukhae
I have no urge to grabs spots right now... I'm still raiding people's masterlist xD You better be prepared for a massive fic spam! (The thing that I know I'm better at than stalking)
SHO CUTE!!! Can I bring them home and feed them hot chocolate while smothering them in hugs? xD
Comments 7
btw, are you haehyuk or eunhae shipper?
Merry -- early -- Christmas!
I have no urge to grabs spots right now... I'm still raiding people's masterlist xD You better be prepared for a massive fic spam! (The thing that I know I'm better at than stalking)
SHO CUTE!!! Can I bring them home and feed them hot chocolate while smothering them in hugs? xD
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