Number Six -
Fraser chases after things. Chases after things worse than Dief. This, Ray has gotten used to.
What he hasn’t gotten used to is the way that Fraser insists on following whatever he’s chasing no matter where it goes. Down alleys on the wrong side of town? Check. Out across busy intersections? Check. Off improbably high buildings, plus or minus very deep, very cold water? Check and check.
Breath rasping in his chest as he follows along, for about the millionth time, Ray stumbles around the corner in time to see Fraser and the suspect he was chasing take a dive off the roof of a building. After a very long three seconds, they both land in a large pile of cardboard boxes.
Ray bites down on his tongue, shakes his head and lines up the Miranda behind his eyes. One of these days, the damn fool is going to break something and Ray’s going to be left picking up the pieces.
He’s not looking forward to that day.