Title: War Stories
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Character/s: General Series (Rossi/Reid)
Prompt: #063 Rumor
Word Count: 100
Rating: FRC
Summary: Reid questions Rossi about some of his old war stories' validity
“Now that one,” Rossi declared, “isn’t even close to true….but God I wish it were!” He laughed some.
Hotch gave a smile in spite of himself as Reid listened in near rapture to the legendary agent. “Okay but, um…but what about the story of how you and Agent Douglas helped in the capture and self-incrimination of Wayne Williams?”
Rossi nodded, “Yes, that story’s true.” Normally he’d rather be sleeping after such a long case but he stayed up for Reid. The agent was still young enough to be impressed by old war stories and that fascination made all the difference.
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