Title: Valentine's Gift
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Character/s: General Series (Morgan/Garcia)
Prompt: #041 Beautiful
Word Count: 100
Rating: FRC
“Hey, baby girl, how goes it?” Morgan asked with his usual swagger.
“Delightful my dark Adonis!” she chirped happily, “Now, what brings you to my office of omnipotence?”
“I was hoping you could give me some advice.”
“On what, my darling?”
“What to give a girl for Valentine’s.”
“Well, you could always tell her she’s beautiful,” the woman offered.
“You’re beautiful.” Morgan said with a slight smirk.
“Oh you!” Garcia waved him off playfully.
And, to him, she was beautiful…she had this glorious glow that came straight from her heart and shone in every smile and witty comment she made.
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