Title: Stupid Technology
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Character/s: General Series (Reid/Morgan)
Prompt: #066 Technology
Word Count: 100
Rating: FRT
Summary: Reid gets a little annoyed with technology
“Stupid piece of…” Reid muttered angrily as he shook his cell with increasing anger, “HELLO?!” he screamed into it before shaking it more.
“Woah, Reid, relax,” Morgan smiled as he came upon his frustrated friend, “what’s wrong?”
“I can’t get a signal out of this thing,” Reid explained, “It was working fine this morning and now it’s just…it’s not!”
Morgan quickly grabbed the phone before Reid accidentally slammed it on a desk nearby. He examined it a moment, then started to laugh, “Reid, when did you last charge this thing?”
“Cause the battery’s dead.”
Reid smiled awkwardly, embarrassed, “Oh.”
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