Title: Backwards Dinner
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Character/s: General Series (Hotch/Jack/Jessie)
Prompt: #097 Writer’s Choice - Pudding
Word Count: 100
Rating: FRC
Summary: Jack leads his dad and aunt in a backwards dinner. Thanks to
underspell102 for the suggested prompt and pairing!
“Did I miss dessert?” Hotch asked as he walked into Jessie’s kitchen.
“What? No,” Jessie walked in behind him, “I haven’t even started dinner.” Hotch gave a small chuckle as Jessie sighed coming upon the same sight he had. “Oh Jack, you didn’t.”
The little boy’s mouth was covered in chocolate pudding. “It’s yummy!” Jack replied simply, as if that earned automatic forgiveness.
Hotch laughed a bit more, going to get a spoon and a pudding cup himself. He sat next to Jack and smiled at Jessie, “We’ll just do meals a little backwards tonight.”
“That works too,” Jessie smiled.
My Table