He battered uselessly against the water, his legs striking nothing, and his desperately held breath leaked through his lips in tiny bubbles of air, and his ears were ringing, and behind his eyelids the darkness was red, red as roses, dark as roses, as he drowned and drowned and drowned. --
lomonaaeren's "I Give You a Wondrous Mirror"
A few weeks ago,
irrevokable pointed me in the direction of
A Year's Temptation, by
lomonaaeren. It's a lengthy and extremely satisfying Veela!Draco story, and since Elle and I share the same veela kink she knew I'd love it. I did, clearly, and was ever so thankful for the rec.
Then! My Ellimus did not let me down. While we were on the way to Prophecy, she asked me if I'd read any of the author's new stuff, the WiPs. I hadn't, so she gave me a brief summary of the plot, even though at that time only a few chapters of each had been posted. For the duration of the trip, our activities (whatever they were at the time) would cease immediately if we noticed an update had come up.
And so, we were sucked in. Warning, story and DH spoilers ahead!
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I Give You a Wondrous Mirror
Chapter Listing.
Summary: HP:DH SPOILERS, HPDM slash, epilogue compliant. Harry is too busy ten years after the war to help out just one family, but that's exactly what he has to do. And as he hunts their enemy, magic no one understands is hunting him.
Okay, WOW. Just last night we were given Chapter 18 of this story and it seems every time the cliffhangers get worse and worse. The curse is getting more aggressive than ever, I didn't even think about the danger the water was. But what I was thinking - and happy to see Harry kind of touch on as well - why is the curse trying to pull them through that 'tunnel' if there is already a separate Harry and Draco on the other side? Draco said that the other version of himself seemed shadowy, but wouldn't the removal of them from one (for lack of a better word) universe to plop them down in another upset some sort of balance? The rest of the magic seems too orderly to just leave a void where Harry and Draco were in their original life.
irrevokable and I have also been tossing back and forth some ideas over who the caster of the curse was. Apparently the caster of the curse has been seen in the story's canon quite a few times (here I'm hoping I'm not mixing this up with Reckless Frame of Mind), but each choice seems too obvious or unfounded. One option that Elle and I both liked was Narcissa. She certainly has a lot of plans for Draco, and an iron-clad alliance with Harry Potter? Psh. Then again with the new information about the purebloods and Muggle-born extremists working together... gah. It's hard to see who could be hiding something.
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A Reckless Frame of Mind and its sequel, A Determined Frame of Mind
DeterminedSummary: Reckless: HPDM preslash, AU post-war, no DH spoilers. Draco is a Psyche-Diver, and his newest patient is Auror Potter, who’s been a pathological liar for over a year-and has just tried to violently end his own life. Determined: HPDM slash, sequel to A Reckless Frame of Mind. Draco and Harry now face the might of the Ministry in an attempt to discover who cast the Cassandra Curse on Harry. Add in Harry’s trust problems, and it’s a good thing Draco’s confident.
I lumped these two together because although Reckless is finished, Determined picks up right where it left off. The premise of this story is so completely engaging, and the way
lomonaaeren does mystery just puts me totally on edge. But of course this is slash, and she never lets us forget it. In the newest chapter of Determined, updated two days ago, the tension between Harry and Draco is so thick you can almost taste it. I both love and hate Harry's overwhelming desire for independence from Draco, but Draco. Oooh god. I love him SO MUCH in this, because he's so true to character and a sneaky bastard besides. I don't think Harry can stand much more resisting of Draco, not when Draco's so set on having him. As for the caster of the Cassandra Curse... well. I do like their idea of someone higher-up having that bitch Lila do a lot of their dirty work, but trusting her with something as important as the Cassandra Curse? It doesn't sit well with me. General public opinion is that even if the curse IS real, it could go wrong a thousand different ways. No, I think someone wanted to be the one to personally ruin Harry's life. Whether they knew they'd forget afterwards I think is anyone's guess.