Be my Teenage Dream, Darren.

Nov 10, 2010 11:17

Darren Criss on Glee last night BLEW MY FUCKING MIND. HE WAS SO GOOD. THIS IS SO GREAT. I AM SO HAPPY. It helped that this was the first really good episode of Glee in a REALLY good time. Character development! Serious, semi-realistic plot lines! DARREN CRISS!

However, the best part of the episode did not involve Darren. The best part of the episode was that kiss!!! Not that icky one (although sweet it was still unnerving), but the one between Kurt and that jock. BEST PLOT DEVELOPMENT EVER. I love that guy! Whatever his name is!

I am so excited about this plot line. Now don't blow it like you always do, Glee. And kick Will in the balls for me, I am so fucking sick of him.

Final glee thought: I want Artie's sweaters.

Hm, what else? Well...I bought tickets for the HARRY POTTER ADVENTURE yesterday. They're showing the Order of the Phoenix and then the Half-Blood Prince and THEN at midnight Deathly Hallows part 1. It's a 7 and a half hour long show. I am so friggin excited.

I got into a screenwriting class I applied for. There were only twelve seats, so that's pretty exciting. I got a 95% on my last Arabic quiz! That was unexpected and most welcome. Umm... oh, I started reading The Hunger Games (per Alex Day's recommendation). They're really unexpectedly good! And although I sometimes want to slap Katniss, she is in general way better than many female protagonists, especially given the type of book it is. Girls don't usually get straight-out, gory action/adventure lead roles. I'm on the third and last book right now. I've been reading like crazy in general lately, I've finished like four books this week. Intellectualism!

I think I'm going to upload a fall mix I've fallen in love with later today at discofriend. I also have another angsty Shenny mix that I need to make fanart for. I cannot wait for Thanksgiving break, even three days off from school will be such a relief. Not that I'm not enjoying school, I'm loving it this year, it is just such a constant stress. There's always something I should be doing that is more important than what I want to be doing. Winter break, three weeks of nothing, will be SO nice.

How are you?

rl, harry potter, glee, college?

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