Just a note that sign ups will remain open this month, due to LJs downtime. Also, voting will be up asap, I'm just waiting to hear back on something and I'll get to it!
Please read all the rules.
1. All drabbles must be new for the challenge.
2. Drabbles must be between 100 to 250 words, no more and no less.
3. Submit drabbles/links to the community as one new entry. You may post one drabble outside of a cut, but the rest/your links must go under. If you're unfamiliar with LJ-cuts, you can find information at the FAQ
here. You do not need to post your drabbles directly to this community, in fact, it's recommended that you don't.
3b. You do not need to post your drabbles all in one entry on your own journal, but please keep them accessible until after voting has ended.
4. Put your username - round # and claim in the subject line of your entry.
5. Drabbles are due August 20th. All entries must be submitted by midnight pacific standard time.
For an example of what your post should look like, please see this
PLEASE NOTE: When posting your fics, please ensure they are under individual cuts. This makes it easier for us come voting time! If you are unsure, please feel free to ask!
Themes: 10
Balloon, Band, Bicker, Birthday, Boat, Rabbit, Race, Rain, Rattle, Ring
Category: 5
Social Networking. Each drabble should be focused on some sort of social networking. Twitter, Myspace, Formspring, Bolt.com (for you old skool internetters, out there) or something from the future that hasn't been invented yet. It doesn't even have to be site related, social networking can happen outside of the internet as well.
Author's Choice: 5
Anything goes here. Theme will be completely up to you.
Please use the following header when posting your drabbles/links to drabbles to this community:
Spoilers: (If applicable)
Warnings: (If in doubt, warn)
The list of participants and their claims can be found
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to comment or PM me. If you would like to use an online wordcounter to check your wordcounts
flipflop_diva has suggested
wordcounter.net, and
amor_remanet has suggested
this one, though warns that it counts em-dashes as separate words. This isn't a requirement, just a suggestion in case anyone should need it! As long as your fics are 100 words or more, that's all that matters.