Finally saw GoF tonight

Nov 26, 2005 20:50

I know, I've been slow to go, but I finally went and saw it tonight, so yay!

So, here's my thoughts on it-

1. Hermione/Viktor- there needed to be more interaction between them, I think. Though, I loved the jealousy Ron showed, and the irritability that Hermione showed over his jealousy. "Just go to bed!" -grins-

2. Draco- Not nearly enough of him by half.

3. Lucius- See above.

4. Charlie & Bill- they were cast, they did their parts, but um.. hello- where the fuck were they??? I was SO looking forward to seeing the faces they put with them. Damn movie makers. Screw time restraints, make each movie 5 hours long next time, please. I'd really like to be able to get in as many hotties as possible.

5. Fred and George- OH. MY. GOD. They were brilliant. Bloody brilliant. I want more of them. lots more. Maybe a Fred/Gilly/George sammich. They were great. Did I mention brilliant? Oh, I did? Well, let me reiterate- bloody brilliant. They interact so nice with one another, what with actually being twins and all.

6. World Cup- I would have liked to have seen more of the actual cup, as well as interaction between Draco and the trio. It seemed really rushed, even the night time during the raid seemed rushed.

7. The Triwizard Tournament- I think each of the tasks were rushed, though I did enjoy them. I think the least rushed feeling was probably the underwater one, though even that was rushed through.

8. The ball- I liked it, but it was rushed as well. Hermione was great during her "break down", and soooo much a 14 year old reaction, especially at her first dance. It was realistic to what goes on at typical Homecoming, Sadie's Hawkin's, Sweetheart/Valentine's, and Prom dances.

9. Moody- his eye creeped me out how it just rolled all around. Freaky.

10. Snape- Not enough of him. Though, the scene in the great hall where they are all discussing dates was BRILLIANT. I love how he kept abusing Ron & Harry, and smacking them around. And the twins were great in that scene. And Hermione's snit fit. And the entire scene.

My thoughts on the over all movie? Well, it was rushed. Each scene just jumped too quickly to the next, and a lot was left out. I didn't start reading the books until after I had seen Chamber of Secrets, and I started out by reading book 3, then 4, then 1, then 2, then 5, then 6 (just recently, obviously). So, my general thought after reading the books is that a LOT was left out of the movies, and that due to the increasing length book by book, more and more would be left by the side as it went on into movies. I pointed this out to my husband at one point, and he pointed something out to me. To us book readers, a lot is being dropped from the story, stuff that we find integreal to the overall story, obviously. But to the people watching the movies, those who have never read the stories, they don't realize they're missing that stuff, and to them, the stories still make sense. This bothers us readers, sure, but story wise, the movies still aim to where they should, and all is well, right?

I wish I had seen more of the smaller story lines, and that things hadn't rushed head first from scene to scene, but it was still 2 and a half hours long. If they'd stretched the same material into 3 hours, I don't think it would have felt so rushed, and it really wouldn't have been -that- much longer. It wouldn't have been long enough to put in more stuff, but things that hopped too quickly could have been concentrated on. Like Rita Skeeter.

It was good, sure, I enjoyed it. But I wanted more. Oh well. Now to eagerly await book 7 and movie 5.

Oh, and I had 4 kids behind me who were adultless, and were probably around 13 or 14 in age. I swear I wanted to turn around and kill them several times. They were, of course, all fan girl squee like, and all giggly, and then they liked to verbally answer anything they saw on the screen. Such as? Well, at the end when Dumbledore says, "I hated these curtains myself. Burned them during my 4th year." The girl RIGHT behind me leans forward until her head is like an inch from mine and says, "No you didn't. You've only been here 2 years, idiot.".... Refering of course to the "new" dumbledore. I wanted to smack her, tell her to sit down, shut up, and next time to bring her Mommy with her, or a pacifier to keep her quiet.

And they took turns getting up to get more popcorn. Like 12 times. I didn't know 4 kids could go through that much popcorn in 2 and a half hours. Next time, when I think avoiding the 11pm show is wise, I'll think back to this event, and realize that college kids are much preferable to 13/14 year olds.

Hmm... I think that's all. Yes, that is.
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