Ha really...I'm going to update this eventually.
1. Are you ready for 100 questions? Sure.
2. Do you watch college football? Nahh football's not my thing.
3. Who will fill this survey out after you? Haha probably no one since this is on LJ.
4. Who was the last person to send you a text message? Beef.
5. Do you love anyone? I sure do.
6. Are you happy? Not at the moment.
7. Where was the last place you went shopping? Ulta.
8. How do you feel about your hair? I'm thinking about cutting it again.
9. Where do you work? No trabajooo.
10. Last thing you ate/drank? Mountain Dew & pizza.
11. Do you wish you were someplace else right now? HOME. Or just not here.
12. Do you have any pet peeves? Shooooot...my pet peeves could fill a novel.
13. Do you have any expensive jewelry? My earrings and two of my necklaces cost quite a bit.
14. AIM or Yahoo? AIM.
15. Do you like math? Some of it.
16. How many hours on average do you work a week: Ha zerooo.
18. Favorite baseball team? Uhh...
19. Favorte NBA team? Yahh...
20. Do you watch the Olympics? Bits and pieces.
21. Last restaurant you went to? Mint.
22. Who was the last person to call you? My daddy.
23. What’s your sign? Gemini.
24. Do you have a favorite number? Nope.
25. Last time you did volunteer work or made any donations? Friday.
26. What do you spend the majority of your money on? Groceries.
27. Where does your family live? My parents are in Texas and 90% of the rest of my fam is in NC.
28. Are you an only child or do you have siblings? I have some siblings who I lerv very much : )
29. Ever been called a bitch? It's my first name to some.
30. Got any guilty pleasures? Haha anything vampire related?
31. Do you drink beer? Occasionally.
32. What's your favorite color? Aquamarine.
33. Did you ever collect Beanie Babies? My mom did through me.
34. Ever bought anything online? Books, text books, clothes, shoes and some random things off eBay.
35. Myspace or Facebook? Facebook.
36. Do you have T-Mobile? Nope.
38. Do you sometimes wish you were someone else? In the past.
41. Last time you saw your parents? Three months ago.
42. Do you have any talents? If you count being able to quote things, then yah, I got talents.
43. Ever been in a wedding? When I was little.
44. Do you have any children? F that noise.
45. Last movie you watched? A Clockwork Orange.
46. Are you missing anyone at the moment? Mon petit ami.
47. Did you take a nap today? Ha yes right after I woke up.
Where's 48?
49. Ever been on a cruise? Nope.
50. Did you notice number 40 was missing? No but 37 and 39 are gone too.
Whoever wrote this should be fired.
52. Do you have any wealthy friends? Define wealthy.
53. Ever met anyone famous before? Penelope Cruz in Espana : )
54. Favorite actor? Ha I'm gonna go with Bradley Cooper.
55. Favorite actress? Olivia Wilde & Olga Kurylenko.
56. Are you multi-tasking right now? Nope.
57. Could you handle being in the military? Probably not. I don't take orders very well and I'll be damned if someone's going to yell at me all day long. F that noise.
58. Are you hungry or thirsty? Thirsty.
59. Favorite fast food restaurant? Uhh...Taco Bell I guess.
61. What is your average cell phone bill? I dunno I don't pay for it.
62. Do you own a camera phone? Yup.
63. Ever had to take a sobriety test? Nope.
64. Do you believe in Karma? Fa sho.
65. Can you speak any other languages? Spanish and French.
66. Last time you went to the gym or worked out? Haha it's been about three weeks.
67. How many pairs of shoes do you own? 30 ish.
68. Do you have a photo hosting site that you use? Photobucket.
69. Last place you were? Uhhm downstairs.
70. What is your college mascost? A Tarheel.
71. Ever been to Las Vegas? No and I don't want to go.
76. Have you ever been gambling? Nope.
77. How old are your parents? Uhh 44 I think.
78. When is the last time you updated your blog? Two days ago?
79. Do you have your wisdom teeth? Ugh yes.
80. Favorite place to be? Well since we sold our house I can't say my room : (
81. Have you been to New York City? On the way to Spain.
82 Favorite sit down restaurant? Pappadeuxxx!
83. Ever been to Disney Land? Nope. I don't like theme parks.
84. Do you have a favorite cartoon character? Ha Chowder or Gir.
85. Last thing you cooked? Mac and cheeeese.
86. How is the weather today? Slightly sarcastic with a good chance of a) indifference or b) disinterest.
87. Do you email? Sometimes.
88. Last letter/piece of mail you received besides junk or a bill? Ulta magazine.
89. Last missed call? My momma.
91. Last voicemail you received? I dunno.
92. Do you drunk dial/text? I do but I never sound drunk.
93. Stupidest thing you ever did with your cell phone? Uhh...leave it on a restaurant table and have it stolen. Bitches.
94. What is the best city in the state that you live in? Austin : )
96. Did you just die? Probably a lil.
97. Are you bored right now? Yesss and impatient.
98. Last concert you went to? Say Anything with Miniature Tigers, Eisley and some crappy Canadian band.
99. What do you think about before you go to bed? Usually my last conversation.
100. What are your plans for tomorrow? Ugh I "have to" go to church I'ma just sleep through the sermon.