(Yes, like the community name, this Comment Ficathon title is derived from a Paul Auster novel).
This ficathon deals with, as you may have guessed, last things. This can mean anything from last words or last kisses, to The Last Time [X] saw [Y], the last night of the world, the last few hours before a momentous event, the last day of college or school.
It's all about finality, about things that won't be repeated - maybe you want to get all apocalyptic and prompt something about the last days of Earth, or any other planet for that matter. Perhaps someone who is the last of their species? Last call in a seedy bar? Finishing in last place? Being the last person to be invited/picked for a team? Someone remembering the last time they visited a particular place.
Go crazy, leave prompts and FILL THEM. All fandoms, pairings, and ratings are welcome.
All I ask is that you follow this simple format:
Fandom, Pairing (or characters), prompt
e.g: Fringe, Olivia/Astrid, the last case they work together
OR: West Wing, Jed/Abbey, their last kiss
OR: Dollhouse/Chuck, Echo's last engagement is to kill Chuck Bartowski.
Rules and banners to pimp with:
1. All fandoms and pairings are eligible - meaning het, slash and gen are both welcomed and encouraged. You can also go AU, if it serves your purpose.
2. Crossovers are fine, just make sure you list both fandoms.
3. Warn for spoilers if it's less than a week since an episode aired, or events are taken from unaired episode details.
4. One prompt per comment please, and if your fic is too long for the 4300 character limit, please provide a link instead :)
5. A prompt can be filled more than once, so don't be shy!
PIMPING: Save a banner then make a post that links back to this one, simple as that.