Title: Riding With the Ghost
Fandom: Death Note
Summary: I've been doing whatever he told me. Light/L.
Notes: This and the rest are for the "you give me a pairing, I give you dysfunction" meme that was pretty much made for me.
Sometimes, on his darker days, Light wonders what it would be like if he were Kira after all. If he were everything L says he is. Sometimes he thinks about everything he would do, about the death he would design.
Sometimes, he shivers when he thinks about it, and it’s not one of horror.
L is always there, though, like a mirror, fractured and reflecting Light back to himself, always watching, always-
He wonders what they’d be without each other, and thinks empty.
Title: we know the meaning of forever
Fandom: Doctor Who
Summary: She's not petty. Just protective. Doctor/TARDIS.
Her thief strays, sometimes. He has lovely hearts, big enough for the whole universe, probably, and he sees these strays and can’t help but pick them up. It’s part of why she loves him so much.
They hurt him, though. They reach into his chest and tear out his hearts and take them away with them when they leave, and they always leave, despite all their promises they always leave. Forgiveness is in his nature, but it isn’t in hers. She’ll only let them hurt him so many times.
She is, maybe, a little selfish.
But after all, they are all so mortal, so brief-lived and fragile. She and he will live for such a very long time. It’s only for the best.
Title: the story no one knows
Fandom: Avatar: the Last Airbender
Summary: Afterwards, things are different. Mai/Zuko.
The Mai he remembers is gone when she returns.
He’s not sure how they did it, but she is quiet, and demure, and modest. She keeps her eyes lowered and speaks softly when she speaks at all. Zuko doesn’t understand. It’s not him she’s scared of, and Azula is gone.
He wishes she would tell him what happened.What Azula did. What form her revenge took. But he doesn’t know how to ask. Or even what the question he should be asking is.
They sit at the dinnertable and he watches her rip a paper napkin to shreds. It smells like smoke.
Title: The Hunger of the Wolf
Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire
Summary: He's not what she expected. Robb/Jeyne.
She expected him to be unkind. Expected a barbarian northern conqueror, hairy and heavy-bodied. He wasn’t so bad. He was almost gentle.
You have to, Jeyne, her mother said. Think of your sisters, and Jeyne swallowed her tears and put on her best dress and went in to him. Lie if you have to. Tell him whatever he needs to hear.
He wasn’t so bad. Not much like a wolf at all. Her dress tore as he fumbled to take it off, and he apologized clumsily. His mouth was warm (hot) against her skin. Jeyne trembled and swallowed her tears and murmured yes.