caffienekitty gave me this bunny. When it left her house, it was a wee drabble-bunny, but I guess it ate a sandwich along the way. I won't cut it, 'cause it's still kinda itty-bitty.
Characters: Dean, with a bit of Sam and memories of Mary
Genre: Gen
Rating: G
Spoilers: WIAWSNB
Length: 270 words
By Carol Davis
Five ingredients: bread, bacon, lettuce, tomato, mayonnaise. Putting them together isn’t rocket science, and it isn’t like you actually have to cook them. You just lay them one on top of the other. It’s tough to get that wrong.
But this? Is wrong.
Dean takes another bite of the sandwich, and again, the toast scrapes at the soft corners of his mouth.
This is the best sandwich EVER.
Fresh white bread, lightly toasted.
Bacon, on the lean side, crisp and fragrant.
Iceberg lettuce, a mixture of white and green, damp and crunchy.
Tomato, a nice rich red, sliced very thin.
Mayonnaise, one good hearty swipe across the bread.
That’s right, all of it.
But it’s wrong.
He won’t admit it - no he won’t, not even to himself - but he ordered the sandwich hoping that it would help him remember. A week’s gone by already, and he’s losing her: the warmth of her touch, her smile, the sound of her voice.
He has no idea if she was real, if what the djinn took from his mind was a faithful construct, held in the amber of his memory all these years, or if she was nothing more than a patchwork quilt of tiny bits and pieces observed by a little boy, some of them right, some of them wrong, some of them just wishful thinking.
Sam looks at him from the other side of the table, eyebrow lifted in silent inquiry.
Tell Mom I love her.
“Guess I’m not that hungry,” Dean says softly as he lays the sandwich back down on the plain white plate and pushes it away.