SPN FIC - Take a Breath

Oct 15, 2014 15:58

*looks around*
Anybody still here? Want a fic? 'Cause I wrote one. :)
Just a little interim moment, somewhere... oh, I guess Season 9. Wherever you feel like it fits.

The thing is...he's pretty sure he fell asleep in the car.CHARACTERS: Dean and Sam ( Read more... )

dean, sam, season 9

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Comments 34

jennytork October 15 2014, 20:17:46 UTC
Oh, I LOVE this!!!


ficwriter1966 October 15 2014, 21:08:43 UTC
Thank you! It's been sliding into my head for a couple of days now, and it made me smile. So there ya go. :)


quickreaver October 15 2014, 20:19:59 UTC
OF COURSE I WANT FIC! (Gotta restart the ol' machine, but then I'll read it and report right back. :D)

And...back! Is this a lovingly described Heaven? Man, I hope so. So, so sweet. :D Thanks for this!


ficwriter1966 October 15 2014, 21:12:14 UTC
Could be! Or Cas giving them a break. Or a dream. It's one of those things I think works best when each reader can interpret it her own way.

Took me a while to stop being enraged at Show for killing Kevin (and everybody else). But I'm finding that I like Jensen's take on Dean's current situation. Lots of layers going on there. And the Muse likes that stuff. :)

Glad you enjoyed it!


quickreaver October 15 2014, 21:23:14 UTC
DEAN'S CURRENT SITUATION. I am most pleased with his situation, must say, and how Jensen is spinning it!

I also confess to loving poor Sam's woeful state. I'm a baaaaad girl. ;)

Muse has good taste, Carol. *chin chin!*


ficwriter1966 October 16 2014, 00:40:16 UTC
Unlike a lot of other things that have happened along the way, I think it makes a lot of sense for Dean to be the way he is - including all of its many layers. It's been barreling down on him for a long time.


bajadrmn October 15 2014, 21:42:38 UTC
Thank you so much for this.
I've missed your SPN stories terribly.
I'm tickled your real life projects are doing well, but selfishly, I hope you have the time and inspiration to do more of these.


ficwriter1966 October 16 2014, 00:41:31 UTC
I missed seeing the little kitty waving to me!!

I'm going to try to do more - maybe 1 or 2 a month? I don't get much real feedback on the published stuff, so I've missed chatting with everybody here.

Glad you liked this one!


borgmama1of5 October 15 2014, 22:16:17 UTC

New SPN fic from you! Yay!!!

And, oh, why can't Dean have something good like this without all the unsettling mystery?

I just love the atmosphere of peacefulness, and how Dean runs with it a little bit in spite of his natural distrust...but then he and Sam become younger at the end and what is going on???

Just one tiny question--would Dean know the word 'lanai?'


ficwriter1966 October 16 2014, 00:46:18 UTC
Thanks, Betty!! I've been meaning to get in touch with you to thank you for the very kind reviews. They mean a lot!

One of my favorite parts of the older seasons was that the boys would occasionally get a little break, a chance to blow off some steam and be silly. For me, that was a big part of the magic of the show, and I'm really hoping they can get back to it. I mean... didn't we all love it like crazy things when they found the MOL bunker and Dean set up his own room?

I went back and forth about "lanai." Then I figured, if he's watched all those old reruns of Magnum P.I. and Hawaii Five-0, he's definitely heard the word and might be able to use it automatically. That, and I couldn't force myself to call the thing a patio. :)


just_ruth October 16 2014, 00:03:21 UTC
I always love your descriptions. This is a sweet little break in the action and yet, like Dean, we know it won't last.

I have not been very happy with Supernatural of late, but I keep hoping.


ficwriter1966 October 16 2014, 00:48:54 UTC
Thanks, Ruth! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I know you've had more than your share of challenges lately, so I thought you might enjoy a visit with the boys.

I was pretty upset with the show for a looooong time. I've seen episodes here and there, but they didn't inspire me. But something about last night's ep caught my fancy. I'm enormously intrigued by Jensen's portrayal of Demon Dean - particularly since it's All. Dean. They've got me curious to see what will happen.


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