Fic: By Any Other Name, chapter 1

Apr 20, 2014 12:29

Title: By Any Other Name, Ch. 1/3
Author: meself, fid_gin
Beta: unfolded73
Pairing: This chapter, Ten/Rose. It's Loved 'verse, so overall it's Ten II/Ten/Rose. And, eventually, there will be Rose/Rose. Yeah, that's right, I went there.
Rating: This chapter, R for sexy tiems.
Disclaimer: I own nothing, all hail the BBC
Summary: He should have known ( Read more... )

fic, loved, tenth doctor fic, doctor fic

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Comments 23

xebgoc April 21 2014, 04:22:40 UTC


fid_gin April 22 2014, 03:05:41 UTC
Thank you! It's seriously terrifying great to be back! :)


cereal April 21 2014, 05:05:41 UTC
Oh god, the first time I read any of the Loved 'verse was before I'd gotten myself knocked up, too, and now I've done it twice, and I have to admit to slightly rushing tonight's settling down of them to get to a quiet space to read this (...and by "settling down" I mean, "got one to sleep, handed the other to their dad") and, oh boyyyyyy, was it worth it. The separation of them, and all the details around that, the smell of the other Doctor in his room, Rose's questioning why she should help, the Doctor not saying it, I realize I'm just spitting back parts of the fic to you instead of saying anything productive, but it's awfully hard to type while taking so many breaks to flap my hands delightedly.

I guess just, I'm really glad this is back and you should know that as soon I saw the update on my f-list, an enthusiastic text went off to someone in Texas, and an e-mail went off to someone in Poland to inform them of these exciting developments because LOVED VERSE, LOVED VERSE IS BAAAAACK


fid_gin April 22 2014, 03:07:55 UTC
I totally feel you re: rushing to get the kiddo(s) to bed for some quiet time. Several weeks ago, Mr. gin even took the kiddo out shopping so I could work on writing this; I felt like the Worst Mother in the World, pawning off my child so that I could work on porn. ;)

Thank you as always for reading and commenting!


karenor April 21 2014, 06:13:10 UTC
I just talked about this fic in the meme I did today. Literally talked, it was a voice meme. I AM SO HAPPY TO READ IT. it's perfect. I love all your little details, as usual. Like the scent of the other Doctor heightening his arousal. Wow. I'm just how palpable the feeling that he misses them is. Can't wait until they all? get together!

Can't wait to see the nod to Fright Night. Have you seen the film Only Lovers Left Alive? It's another vampire movie that includes in the cast both Anton Yelchin and a former Doctor! I thought of you. ;)

Welcome back to you and your verse!


fid_gin April 22 2014, 03:10:31 UTC
Aaaah, I want to hear your meme but I can't listen to it at work, and Mr. gin is always lurking over my shoulder here!

I love all your little details, as usual. Like the scent of the other Doctor heightening his arousal.

I'm so happy that this part is resonating with so many people, because I'm pretty sure that unfolded73 actually wrote that bit! She's so good. :)

Can't wait to see the nod to Fright Night.

I think you will enjoy. That was one of the first things Val and I discussed when brainstorming this one: that Ten II should be wearing eyeliner, for some reason. ANY REASON.

Thank you so much for reading, love!


karenor April 22 2014, 03:17:32 UTC
rainstorming this one: that Ten II should be wearing eyeliner, for some reason. ANY REASON.

FUCK YEAH HE SHOULD. I didn't check the chronology. Does this come before or after "Inked"? I'm just wondering (switching gears) if Peter has any real tattoos. I can't remember if I ever prompted something along those lines. Or if I or you wrote a drabble... In any case, um yeah. Any reason for anyone who looks like DT to wear eyeliner. IM ALL FOR IT.


fid_gin April 23 2014, 02:33:15 UTC
This comes after Inked, before JAD, so yeah, he's got his tattoo. :)

I don't think that was ever prompted...I know someone (you?) prompted an AU in a tattoo parlour that I TOTALLY wanted to write and actually started but never finished.


unfolded73 April 21 2014, 13:33:23 UTC
There's probably no writing task harder than coming back to something you wrote years ago and still finding a connection to it, and it just shows how well you inhabit these incarnations of these characters that you were able to do that. I'm genuinely proud of you for getting this done against all odds! Yay!


fid_gin April 22 2014, 03:12:16 UTC
Thanks so much hon, for beta-ing this and for talking me down from all of my "OH GOD IT SUCKS, I'LL NEVER FINISH IT" ledges. Now if I can just wrap up part three, I'll be laughing!


lir1983 April 21 2014, 15:31:06 UTC
So excited for this!


fid_gin April 22 2014, 03:12:59 UTC
Thank you, I'm so glad!


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