It's been ten days since I touched this thing. I know I had several new people friend me and should be doing an introduction post, but I've been in a mood too foul to do anything productive. I haven't been updating FRAGMENTS for over a week, and while the promised fic is moving, it's moving very slowly. Sometimes, I go online and just wonder if I
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Comments 14
Mostly because I'm not sure how R:1 spells from the .hack games would transition over, same with the items. Also having trouble figuring out how to explain the large Celtic weave butterfly tattoo across the entire expanse of her back considering that's her tie to her AI lover. (Why yes I have a complicated and rather fucked up story revolving around that). if you like the play by posts... I could hook you up and pimp my R:1 .hack board? You're a great writer and would hit level 10 pretty quickly depending on the amount of effort, and I know the people in my clan always love questing with new people.
And the Eventide Crescendo is amazingly deep storyline wise. I actually prefer it over our Mainplot.
She is in Mainplot and thus by extension is comatose and will feel the spells, etc.
Healing spells, how would those work? *curious*
And alright, once I get my post up for the Eventide Crescendo field, I'll finish my application and hop on there.
Much like with Tsukasa's condition, if your character comes from The World, they will remain comatose in the real world of .hack universe. However, because Jardin is placed within a time distortion, the actual time of their coma in the real world will last mere hours. At worst, someone of their relatives might spaz out and send them to the hospital, only to have them wake up a short time later.
Anyway.. it's been quite some time since I've done any RP, but I've always stuck to one-on-one kind of games. I did a few forum games back in the day, but I have to admit that the LJ setup kind of confuses me. Not that I've really given it much of a chance, truthfully.
I'm sorry that your game's not doing the best. :<
Roleplaying on LJ is an interesting beast, because it combines first-person (character journals) and third-person writing (playing out scenes). It's not for everyone, but you can easily get hooked if you find a good game where people would be willing to help you get started.
Thank you for the good wishes. I'll keep doing my best. >:
godihatedoingthis but... econtra_rpg has a small DGM cast, and no Allen as far as I know. *CRINGE CRINGE* I-i don't like the game-- but it is story driven. And there is at least a Kanda.
...Hahaha, that reaction to Econtra is strongly familiar. I considered that game for the longest time, but decided to not apply in the end. A lot of the setting drives me nuts; it thrives on restricting you from doing everything. That, and some AU's are basically wish fulfillments instead of genuine experimentation with a character.
I suppose my standards are too different from theirs. :|
Ugh, I hate Econtra with a passion. I don't want to touch it or recommend it to everyone, on principal. The head mod pretty much ruined the entire thing for me.
Still, all it got us the first time around is a cheerful comment about there being a game based on Utena that never got us an application. Strangely enough, advertising on girl_gamers got us more response. o_o
I saw a huge wankfest on rp_secrets concerning the head mod of Econtra, but I couldn't make heads or tails of it. Is she really as much of a controlling bitch as people say she is?
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