♥ Contact me!:
I don’t bite! (:
♥ Cap:
When candies reaches max no. available.
♥ Payment Details:
POSB Savings A/C No.: 023-15117-0
- Please use your LJ username for Ibank user
- ATM transfers to be in within 24 hours!
- I allow interbank transfer, but do email me
& inform me before transferring.
- 1st payment : cost of items + $0.
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Comments 44
Email address: urs.applely@hotmail.com
Bank Acct Type/No.: POSB Savings 209-39141-4
Item #1
Name: Tootsie Rolls
Qty: 100
If out of stock: (Do Not Buy)
Price in SGD: $18 + ($0.50 for handling fee)
Email address: thatgirl.janice@gmail.com
Bank Acct Type/No.: POSB Savings175-18392-2
Item #1
Name: Tootsie Rolls
Qty: 35
If out of stock: (Do Not Buy)
Price in SGD: $6.30
Item #1
Name: Frooties (fruit punch)
Qty: 25
If out of stock: (Do Not Buy)
Price in SGD: $5
Item #1
Name: Frooties (Blue Raspberry)
Qty: 25
If out of stock: (Do Not Buy)
Price in SGD: $5
Item #1
Name: Ice Breakers Sugarless Sour Candies
(Contains these flavours: Berry Splash, Strawberry, and Raspberry Lemonade)
Qty: 1
If out of stock: (Do Not Buy)
Price in SGD: $5
Total price= $21.30 + ($0.50 for handling fee) = $21.80
Email address: frozenfantasy_jay91@hotmail.com
Bank Acct Type/No.: 187-14419-1
Item #1
Name: Tootsie Rolls
Qty: 20
If out of stock: (Do Not Buy)
Price in SGD: $3.60
Item #2
Name: Frooties (Fruit Punch)
Qty: 20
If out of stock: (Do Not Buy)
Price in SGD: $4.00
Item #6
Name: Lifesavers Fruit Tarts
Qty: 3
If out of stock: (Do Not Buy)
Price in SGD: $13.50
Total: 21.10 + ($0.50 handling fee) = 21.60
Name: Frooties (Blue Raspberry)
Qty: 20
If out of stock: (Do Not Buy)
Price in SGD: $4.00
Item #6
Name: Lifesavers Fruit Tarts
Qty: 1
If out of stock: (Do Not Buy)
Price in SGD: $4.50
total: 8.00
Time/Date of transfer: 16:22/ 04/01/2008
Transfer Ref: 4694
Location: Pending Rd/128
Amount: $8.00
Do order asap, Will like to close by wed cos i want my caaaandies! :D
Email address: sexarroni_abi@hotmail.com
Bank Acct Type/No.: POSB Savings 228-14802-4
Item #1
Name: Tootsie Rolls
Qty: 15
If out of stock: DNB
Price in SGD: $2.70
Item #2
Name: Frooties (Fruit Punch)
Qty: 30
If out of stock: DNB
Price in SGD: $6.00
Item #3
Name: Frooties (Blue Raspberry)
Qty: 30
If out of stock: DNB
Price in SGD: $6.00
Item #4
Name: Ice Breakers Sugarless Sour Candies
(Berry Splash, Strawberry, and Raspberry Lemonade)
Qty: 1
If out of stock: DNB
Price in SGD: $5.00
Item #6
Name: Lifesavers Fruit Tarts
Qty: 1
If out of stock: DNB
Price in SGD: $4.50
Total: $24.20 + ($0.50 for handling fee)= 24.70
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