♥ Contact me!:
I don’t bite! (:
♥ Cap:
When candies reaches max no. available.
♥ Payment Details:
POSB Savings A/C No.: 023-15117-0
- Please use your LJ username for Ibank user
- ATM transfers to be in within 24 hours!
- I allow interbank transfer, but do email me
& inform me before transferring.
- 1st payment : cost of items + $0.
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Comments 44
Email Add: hagen2005@gmail.com
Bank Type / Acc No: POSB Savings 126-68845-8
Item #1
Name: Tootsie Rolls
Qty: 10
If out of stock: DNB
Price in S$: 0.18 * 10 = S$1.80
Item #2
Name: Frooties (Fruit Punch)
Qty: 10
If out of stock: DNB
Price in S$: 0.20 * 10 = S$2.00
Item #3
Name: Frooties (Blue Raspberry)
Qty: 10
If out of stock: DNB
Price in S$: 0.20 * 10 = S$2.00
Item #4
Name: Ice Breakers Sugarless Sour Candies
(Berry Splash, Strawberry, and Raspberry Lemonade)
Qty: 1
If out of stock: DNB
Price in S$: 5 * 1 = S$5.00
Item #5
Name: Lifesavers Fruit Tarts
Qty: 1
If out of stock: DNB
Price in S$: 4.50 * 1 = S$4.50
Total: S$15.30 (*Note: Opting for meet-up, Thanz!)
Ibanking Transfer
Ibank nick: tarapalz
Transaction Ref: 1511005878
Amount: S$15.30
Hey, gal... Thanz for clarifying and agreeing to do a meet-up! Really appreciate it~ = P
Payments received!
Email address: Perfect_dreams93@hotmail.com
Bank Acct Type/No.: posb savings
Item #1
Name: Tootsie Rolls
Qty: 30
If out of stock: (Do Not Buy)
Price in SGD: 5.40
Item #2
Name: Frooties (Fruit Punch)
Qty: 10
If out of stock: (Do Not Buy)
Price in SGD: 2.00
Total: 7.40 (meetup)
(The comment has been removed)
(The comment has been removed)
Email address: jz_me_myself@hotmail.com
Bank Acct Type/No.: (For refunds if necessary.)
Item #1
Name: Tootsie Rolls
Qty: 50
If out of stock: (Do Not Buy)
Price in SGD: $9.50
Item #1
Name: Frooties (Fruit Punch)
Qty: 30
If out of stock: (Do Not Buy)
Price in SGD: $6.50
Item #1
Name: Frooties (Blue Raspberry)
Qty: 30
If out of stock: (Do Not Buy)
Price in SGD: $6.50
Item #1
Name: Lifesavers Fruit Tarts
Qty: 2
If out of stock: (Do Not Buy)
Price in SGD: $9.50
Ibanking Transfer
Ibank nick: amanda
Transaction Ref: 100000890372796
Amount: $32
Email address: merion88@hotmail.com
Bank Acct Type/No.: POSB savings / 056-82662-9
Item #1
Name: Tootsie Rolls
Qty: 45
If out of stock: (Do Not Buy)
Price in SGD: $8.10 + ($0.50 for handling fee) = $8.60
Total : $8.60
will transfer the money in the evening and opting for meetup (:
thanks alot!
Time/Date of transfer: 17:05 / 05/01/08
Transfer Ref: 2116
Location: C'Wealth/27
Amount: $8.10
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