The Good:
Finished short review of tagging in fandom for OTW. Having managed to convert at least 10 people into Temeraire fans not so long ago I was doing my very best not to turn into a gushing fangirl because OMG!!1! e-mail conversation with NN. Just hope I didn't sound like total numpty in review.
Thanks to
phantomas recommendation I got my grubby hands on Point of Hopes and Point of Dreams and really enjoyed them. I really wish there were more than two in the series because I want to know what happens with Rathe and Eslingen.
Huff's Summoning trilogy actually managed to turn up before I hightailed it back to London which is good because they weren't going to fit through my letterbox. I have one more book coming from amazon which will turn up while I am not here but hopefully being one book it can languish in my flat rather than not being delivered.
Have had a few ideas for icons with variations of 'love is...' for various different fandoms. Really must redo some of my current crop and do a few more. I have a number of fandoms I am decidedly missing icons for.
Also have new vid bunny to add to my list thanks to
kludge playing 'Die another Day' at me. In a totally unrelated way - does anyone remember if we ever see any of the Nick Lea characters in Highlander so much as holding a sword.
The Bad:
Really not liking my work set up at the moment. On the plus side I'm heading back to work in London this evening since my sorta-ex housemate has gone back to the US and I can use his bedroom as an office again.
Season 7 of X-Files. I knew it started to go downhill around this point but really, when they hit the bottom of the barrel did they have to start digging? I felt I needed to get it just so my collection would end at a sensible point rather than a cliffhanger but *boggle* Why was Krycek even in the second episode - in season 6 it looked like there was something interesting going on with him but then in the season 7 episodes he just killed a few random people with no explanation of what he was doing or even hints as to why. Not that I object to ratboy action but it made no sense. It would have been more logical if it was just a random thug. And as
kludge mentioned - this is all getting a bit needlessly messianic isn't it. What's with all the religion? And they just have no clue what is going on with the myth-arc do they? Possibly it does show that it is the problems that breeds the bunnies since I have had two X-Files bunnies nibble at my ankles this weekend (neither of which is going to get written but please someone tell me that there is already a fic out there where the whole Closer thing has been rewritten to show it was a total set up, preferably by Krycek).
The Ugly:
My book chapter on semantic communities is due in Wednesday and it and I are sucking really badly.