Aaaaw this was really cute. Poor Blaine (and poor Marcus). I'm just glad he was okay in the end... and they got each other out of all this. :)
Just one little question: Is Sugar actually supposed to be bad at German as some kind of joke? Cause I actually had to look 'Nille' up (cause basically no one uses that word anymore - if this fic doesn't take place in the present, never mind) and her grammar is a bit wonky.
Телеграм @japoshka непорядочный мудак, кидала. не нарвитес
October 14 2017, 11:25:06 UTC
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Comments 4
Just one little question: Is Sugar actually supposed to be bad at German as some kind of joke? Cause I actually had to look 'Nille' up (cause basically no one uses that word anymore - if this fic doesn't take place in the present, never mind) and her grammar is a bit wonky.
Надежно. Выгодно. Без слётов. И БЕЗ каких-либо проблем.
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