(no subject)

Mar 21, 2005 21:35

1.First best friend: Laura Ganey (whom I just Googled..heh)
2.First car: 1991 Mercury Sable..it was light blue, rusty, and was missing it's right headlight glass so the bulb always popped out.  It was hot.  It's a little cube of metal now :-\  Or maybe a pop can or something.  Heh.
3.First real kiss: haha...michael t. deramo!
4.First break-up: same I guess
5.First screen: Screen?  um, there was one on our front porch door.  Am I missing something?
6.First self-purchased album: Spice Girls.  lol
7.First funeral: My neighbor Maria..about three months ago...=\
8.First pets: Mr. Ripple!  He was a nice kitty.
9.First piercing/Tattoos: My earlobies
10.First credit card: Kinda have one now but not really.
12.First enemy: I..have no clue.  lol.  I'll say Molly.  =D
13.First big trip: Mexico (like don't-drink-the-water Mexico, not fake Cancuny Mexico.  ha)


1.Last cigarette: Negative.
2.Last car ride: Yesterday when awesome-Jess picked me up from bus station
3.Last kiss: Yestuhday
4.Last good cry: I haven't had a "good cry" for awhile.  I leaked a little bit when I had to said goodbye to mow row yesterday
5.Last library book checked out: Sondheim books :D
6.Last movie seen in theatres: No clue.  Phantom of the Opera, maybe?  Yes, think so.
7.Last beverage drank: Water
8.Last food consumed: "Fettuccine Parmesan.." at least that's what they said it was in the caf.  Not so sure.
9.Last crush: MOW ROW!!! <3
10.Last phone call: Left chris a message last night
11.Last time showered: This mornin'
12.Last shoes worn: Tennis shoes
13.Last item bought: Ehm..some..SUBWAY SANDWICH...it was good.
14.Last annoyance: John not waiting for me at Bigelow..I don't think he knew I wanted him to, though, to be fair.  lol.
15.Last time wanting to die: I don't think I've ever wanted to die
16.Last time scolded: um..lol.  I dunno, probably sometime last weekend.  I think it was when I burped. :D


1.Who are your best friends?: I avoid that phrase like the plague
2.Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? I do!


1.Where is your favorite place to shop? Meijer 'cause I can afford it :D
2.Any tattoos or piercing?: Didn't you already ask me this?  Ears, buddy.


1.Do you do drugs? Negative.
2.What kind of shampoo do you use? Dove mm soft
3.What are you most scared of? Ghosts.
4.What are you listening to right now? Into the Woods, cloaking my obsession under the guise of "research project" :-D
5.Where do you want to get married? No clue
6.How many buddies are online? 172 - 125...::thinks::.....::more thinking:: FORTY SEVEN
7.What would you change about yourself? Do you want to short list or the long?


1.Color: Some sort blue
2.Food: Eggro?  I dunno, it's hard. 
3.Girls Names: Your mom
4.Boys Names: Your dad 
5.Subjects: Chemistry <3 I like math too.  Too bad you can't like..solve crimes with math.  OR CAN YOU?!
6.Animals: Kitties!
7.Sports: Soccer, football?  sure.


1.Given anyone a bath? Haha I tried giving Boris a bath once..now I have a two-inch scar on my palm.  Don't recommend trying to bathe a cat in a bathtub.
2.Smoked? Nay, good wench.
3.Bungee jumped? GOD NO
4.Made yourself throw up? Well if by "myself" you mean "my gigantic appendix" I guess the summer after 8th grade
5.Skinny-dipped? I swear to God you already asked me.  No.
6.Been in love? Yeaaah
7.Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? I can't do it.  Wish I could.  lol.  It would make the bleeding five days a month almost worth it.
8.Pictured your crush naked? I don't have one of those.
9.Seen your crush naked? So nope. 
10.Cried when someone died? Yeah.
11.Lied? I really lie very rarely...but of course, who hasn't?
12.Fallen for your best friend? Nope!
13.Been rejected? Yessm
14.Rejected someone? Kinda?  Sure.
15.Used someone? Nope.
16.Done something you regret? Like coming here?! =DDDDD (JZ FACE!!!)

1.Clothes? jeans, ghetto Steve and Barry's WMU t-shirt, socks (happy music notes!), Owie ring, underoos
2.Music? into the woods (Steps of the Palace)
3.Make-up? I'm sure some of it is still on there. Foundation and crap.
4.Annoyance?  Nope I'm good.
5.Smell? The inside of my nose.
6.Favorite artist?  Like, painting?  Oh I don't know.
7.Desktop picture?  My awesomely geeky Broadway musical collage (plus Amadeus lol), courtesy of Christopher A. Proch. =D
8.Book your reading? Grimm's Fairy Tales
9.Cd in player? It was Avenue Q
10.Dvd in player? Oh bother, empty again.
11.Color of toenails? Whatever color they are when I don't have paint on them.

1.You touched? Your mom hahahaha.  Probably somebody at the library.
2.Hugged? Mow row
3.You imed? John Altan 
4.You kissed? Mow row

1.Understanding? Yeah, mostly.
2.Open-minded? Yeah
3.Arrogant? I sure hope not 'cause I hate it when people are. Heh.
4.Insecure?  Yeah
5.Interesting? Not at all.  God I bore myself.
6.Hungry? Nope I'm good
7.Smart? YES.  One thing I am not modest about.  Right there.  Bitches.
8.Moody? Generally not, but weird things can make me instantly grumpy.  But not very many things.
9.Hardworking? When I see that I need to be. 
10.Organized? Nope
11.Healthy? Well, yeah, pretty much.  I just, you know, have an enormous ass (But he's my only means of conveyance..but I do spoil 'im)
12.Shy? Oh yeah a lot.
13.Attractive? Negative.
14.Bored easily? Hell yes lol I have really bad ADD except not really
15.Responsible? Yep
16.Obsessed? I tend to be that kind of person, yeah (All of the episodes of X-Files on VHS WHAT?!)
17.Angry? No not really.  Except when my sister is involved, and then I'm like RAR instantly.  It's weird, 'cause I think I have the same effect on her.  Oh well, I love you spartacus.
18.Sad? No, not really.  I'm generally a happy Owie, unless someone is mean to me.
19.Disapointed? Nope
20.Happy? Yeah except for my boogers.
21.Hyper? Around the right people.
22.Trusting? eh.  yeah, mostly
23.Talkative? Depends on time of day/who I'm with.
24.Legal? Yes?  Well, um, you mean, um...::fidgets uncomfortably::

1.Kill?: Nobody. 
2.Slap?: Your mom hahahhahahahah OWNED
3.Get high with?: No one.  Okay maybe if Miles Davis came back alive it would be cool to get high with him, but probably not :)
4.Look like?: That's creepy to want to look like someone else.  lol.  Seriously.  Especially celebrities..it freaks me out.  Just accept your big butt or crooked nose and do something good for the world.  ...I am such a hippie.
5.Talk to offline?: Mow row
6.Talk to online?: I dunno, one of the millions of people whose away messages I compulsively check but never talk to.
7.Hang out with?: Your mom.

1.In the morning I am: hungry, usually too warm for my comfort, and needing to pee
2.All I need is: food, water, and shelter.  Oxygen.  ATP!
3.Love is: Many different things. 
4.I dream about: Usually bad things happening to someone I love or something completely bizarre.  One or the other. Lame.

1.Coke or Pepsi: I think I like Coke better (oh no Chris now we can never be together!  For you are a Pepsi man!  ::faint::)
2.Flowers or Candy: Flowers.
3.Tall or short: Don't care. 
4.Liquor or beer? Well, no clue about liquor, but beer is pretty nasty

1.What do you notice first: MOLEY MOLEY MOLEY
2.Last person you danced with: Probably mow row
3.Worst question to ask me: Probably something to do with my fatness.  Or like, what's the square root of the hypotenuse.
4.Who makes you laugh the most?: Molly, John, and Chris.  Everybody; I laugh so goddamn easily if you can't make me at least giggle you need to go to clown school.  Or you're an asshole.  haha.
5.Who makes you smile: Everybody who isn't mean
6.Who gives you a funny feeling: Haha.  In my pants?  OH GOD WHERE'S THE BATHROOM
7.Who do you have a crush on: Nobody?
8.Who has a crush on you: Nobody I think.  Who would?  I know like five people at this school, and if any of them did it would be incestous and forbidden, for I am the FIFTH WHEEL (DUN DUN DUN!!!)

1.Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone to IM you: ....::looks away guiltily:: ...sometimes I play CS to pass time..
2.Save conversations: Only if something really funny is in them.
3.Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: No I don't want to be all floppy and stuff.
4.Wish you were younger: No 18 is good.
5.Cry because someone said something to you: I have before..been awhile.

1.Of times i have had my heart broken: um...I dunno let's pull a number out of my ass.  twice!
2.Of hearts i have broken: I don't know dude.  I don't really think any.
3.Of girls i've kissed: Zero.
4.Of guys i've kissed: Two! =D
5.Of continents i have lived in: Just one, thanks.
6.Of tight friends: I really don't know...some people it's like I think they're good friends then like, they kind of act like they don't give a rat's ass about me.  You know?
7.Of cds i own? A lot. 
8.Of scars on body: Two..three?.  Three.  FOUR.  Appendectomy, Boris the cat, some random thing, 10th grade chemistry (=D).
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