The 700 Club is on the telly right now, begging for bucks. Mind you, this S.O.B. has made himself literally filthy rich by conning the ignorant and gullible out of food they should be spending of food and medicine for themselves and their families. I have no doubt that the reason he says such hateful things about the victims of disasters is he's afraid his "followers" will give their pennies to people such as the victims of the Haiti earthquake instead of to him.
I'm fascinated by how he uses African Americans to shill. He always has.
Good gods, there is a couple dressed as a hot dog and mustard. Is this The Price is Right? "COME ON DOWN - INSTEAD OF ME GIVING YOU MONEY, GIVE ME YOURS!!!" If, as Robertson's Bible says, his god made man in his own image, Robertson's god is a dick.
At what point does one have "enough"? Why are some earthlings (sorry, they are "humans") driven to grab more and more and more and then change the laws so that they can grab even more? Is it a game? These flabby, useless physical specimens who couldn't survive without their wealth gleefully grab everything in sight, spitting on the poor and the suffering around them, and want to pass it down to their worthless spawn.
Robertson is nothing more than a squirrel in human guise. Wait. No. That's an insult to squirrels because squirrels work hard for every nut they gather (and they're entertaining to watch while they're doing it!). If Robertson's excess wealth rotted or took root, then there would be justice because his worthless spawn would have to start from scratch and all of our children would start life on a more equal footing, as the gods obviously intended. As it is, the Robertson Pharisees are only interested in establishing another monarchy, another caste system based on the bankrupt, anti-American notion that their ill-gotten gain "proves" their god loves them more than the rest of us and has put them in charge. This is why they want to destroy public education, or at least riddle it with magical thinking - so that we slaves will obey our worthless masters and their worthless spawn.
Jesus would whip Robertson and his ilk clean out of the Temple and we need to do the same. We need to change the laws to "un-define" corporations as "persons", we need to limit the sizes and influence of corporations and we need to get the money factor out of public elections. We need to destroy the government/corporate path to unearned, undeserved wealth and idle aristocracy and return our elected officials, once again, to servants of the people, rather than the other way around.
It's the American Way.