Sometimes I wonder what my dad would have to say about the current political situation, but then I realize he would figure out what my position was on any given subject and choose the opposite position because the man loved nothing more than a rip-snorting argument. My mother always refused to argue with him so he started arguing with me when I was
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Remember February, 2009 when Governor Bobby Jindal delivered the GOP "response" to President Obama's address to Congress in which he ridiculed government money spent for "volcano monitoring"?
Has anyone thought to ask Governor Jindal for his thoughts on the current volcanic situation in Iceland and Europe?
Too much excitement. Excited about the minimal health care reform passing the House. Excited about running my first 5K this Saturday and registering for the Peachtree Road Race. I doubt I'll be able to get through this Saturday's race without walking part of it but, from what I've read, that's what you're supposed to do for your first race anyway.
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Today I went in to get my monthly B-12 shot and normally I try not to bother our doctor for that but he chased me down to talk to me about the results of my last blood test. First, the B-12 seems to finally be "taking" which is good news because I've been dealing with "megaloblastic anemia" (my red blood cells are over-sized and look like Kettle
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Yesterday we recorded Momma telling family stories yesterday. I'm hoping to get that transcribed to her blog this week. We're keeping an MP3 recorder close at hand so we can remember to record her more often to get her stories down for the kids and grandkids...and anyone else who might be interested
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