WEll I can honestly say that this birthday was a lot better than my last one. I didn't end up crying for one. And my brother and sister really surprised the hell out of me. You see, right now they're having some financial troubles, so I'm working and everything I'm making I'm giving to them. That way it saves their house. The bad part is that Christmas is next week. I don't know for sure what we're going to get my neices for christmas. Even if its something small, it doesn't matter. It's the thought that counts right?
Well anyways, about me. I'm going to be buying a couple of cows sometime next month, while the bottom is still out on the prices for cows. I atleast want one, a Jersey that's pregnant. That way I get fresh cows milk and a baby calf when she delivers. And no it wouldn't bother me if she gave birth to a bull calf. Because then I could raise him for either beef or to stud.
My sister is getting a registered American Quarter Horse for Christmas. The Mare is pregnant and is due in February. We're hoping she'll have a filly, but it looks like she's going to have a colt.
Bah the horse is sixteen and a half hands high. She's got a huge muscle mass on her back. She could probably carry a couple thousand pounds without hurting herself!
My brother in law is going to be getting a new gun cabinet. He desperately needs one!
AS for me, I'd be happy with an ebook reader!
LoL that's what I'm going to buy myself for christmas anyways!
Well it's almost time for work, so I guess I'll sign off now!
*BTW I'm 25 Now! Yay!*