DYW Letter

Nov 20, 2011 04:03

yuletide 2011

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Comments 4

reddwarfer January 1 2012, 22:33:23 UTC
Now that reveals have been made, I wanted to say that I was sorely tempted to write a KOTOR one, but I had just received Revan for Thanksgiving and it would inform too much on what I'd possibly write. I do love my Revan female, too, so I get where you're coming from. However, there was a bit of info about the Exile in Revan and I was wondering if you'd like me to tell you what was written about it.


fifmeister January 2 2012, 06:15:04 UTC
Oh, sure! That would be great. I did hear a few things about the Exile--that they gave her a "canon" name, for one, which I wasn't terribly pleased about--but I don't know much about the events of Revan other than that.

Thank you again for the fic you wrote for me, by the way! I really enjoyed it immensely. :)


reddwarfer January 3 2012, 04:36:53 UTC
I'm super glad you liked the story. Ha. Garrus/Fem!Shep's my otp. Anyhow, about Revan. I found myself charmed, despite how almost none of my playthroughs mirrored the character Revan was. I took it as one fanfic variation amongst the masses. So, Revan starts regaining memories of when he was off in the Unknown Regions (which we know from the games) and he seeks out Meetra Surik (The Exile) only to find out she's the Exile. He hadn't realised at the point. Revan finds Canderous, goes off to a planet which is like Hoth-2 and they find Mandalore's Mask, he asks Canderous to stay, reunite the Mandalorians, and sets off the Unknown Regions with T3, in the Ebon Hawke, leaving a preggers Bastila alone ( ... )


fifmeister January 3 2012, 05:32:21 UTC
So Revan's a dude, Bastila's a broodmare, and the Exile gets fridged? Yeah, definitely not my canon. Looks like I didn't miss anything by passing on it. Thanks for the rundown, though!


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