Tutorial #1;;Frank Iero and Gerard Way

Nov 03, 2007 17:06

As you can see, we have a new layout here in fifth_period .
Just made it today.

And this tutorial, i made 2 days ago. But didn't have the time to post it.
So here it goes.

Turn this into

-Made in PSP 9
-Only 5 steps, if you don't include the optional step as a step.

First off, crop the image you want to use to 100x100. Duplicate your base and set it to screen. I set mine to Opacity: 40%. If you have a dark base, you might want to up the opacity, and if you have a light base, you might want to set it to softlight, or add a curves layer above it and mess around with it until you get what you want. But i highly suggest adjusting your base at the very end.

Add a Curves Layer.
RGB: 197//150
Set to Saturation (Legacy) Opacity 100%

Add a Color Balance Layer.
Color Balance Layer: Midtones: -44 / 7 / 28
                               Shadows: 11 / -1 / -8
Set it to Screen Opacity 50%

Make a new Raster Layer
Fill it with #4c0012 and set to Luminance (Legacy) Opacity: 25%

Make another Curves Layer:
RGB: 117//157
Opacity 50%

Here's an optional step to get rid of some yellow on your icon. (Only if its very yellow and warm):
Channel Mixer Layer: Red: 92 / 10 / -3
                                Green: 3 / 92 / 5
                                Blue: -1 / 6 /100

And your done!
I'd love to see your results!
A few more icons made from the tutorial, with some adjustments.


type: tutorial

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